
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Director Stefan Grill on his plans and visions

Director Stefan Grill on his plans and visions

WINDISCHGARSTEN. With the retirement of Andreas Stallinger, Stefan Grill will take over the position of principal at the middle school MS 1 Windischgarsten on November 1st. Tips asked the future head of the school for an interview.

Tips:Why did you decide to take this step?

Stefan Grill:I am a person who likes to be involved in shaping things and I see this role as an opportunity to contribute my ideas even more effectively. A good two years ago, our current director, Mr Stallinger, asked me whether I would be interested in succeeding him. I saw this not only as confirmation of my work and my attempts, but also as an opportunity to develop myself professionally. So after a short period of reflection, I agreed.

Tips:What vision do you have for the middle school?

Grill: Our school should be a place of learning and meeting where girls and boys can develop to their full potential. I imagine that every elementary school child in the fourth grade knows that they can feel at home at MS 1 in Windischgarsten and that the teachers trust each student. All parents should be assured that their child is in good hands with us and can benefit in many ways from what MS 1 has to offer.

At the end of their time with us, our students should be motivated to pursue their further education. The middle schools/secondary schools in Windischgarsten have always produced very good graduates who could and can more than keep up with their peers from high schools. I am also very happy that many training companies in our area build on the reliability and solid training of our graduates and, together with them, form an enormously important pillar of our economy. As long as this continues, I believe our school is on the right path.

Tips:How do you plan to motivate and support the teaching staff?

Grill: In my opinion, motivation that lasts is intrinsic and comes from within. I am fortunate to be part of an extremely good team and I assume that they will continue to work with the same commitment and consideration even after the change in management.

As my contribution to a motivated team, I will definitely support the teachers as much as I can. The pressure of having to complete a wide range of administrative and organizational tasks is also very high in our school system. As a teacher who stands in the classroom and does his best for the children and young people, this was always a great additional burden for me personally. Many teachers wish they could focus more on the lessons and the teacher-student relationship.

Tips:What challenges do you expect in your new role as director and how do you plan to meet them?

Grill: On the one hand, the administrative and organizational work mentioned above is the kind of work that needs to be done correctly and comprehensively from the start. Failure in this area could have fatal consequences for both the school and individual teachers. The excellent training provided by my current director, the well-measured lead time in which I was able to learn a lot, and the certainty that I will find competent people to talk to if any questions arise, gives me hope that I will be able to handle these tasks well.

In contrast, at school we naturally encounter educational questions and problems that – admittedly – ​​are even more appealing to me. I am convinced that it is in the students’ interest to work on these problems together and ultimately overcome them. Clear agreements about what is and is not possible in such a large community are just as important to me as an open ear, sincere understanding and the will on all sides to achieve a good result.