
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 03:13 Russia relies on gas exports for gigantic defense budget +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 03:13 Russia relies on gas exports for gigantic defense budget +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 03:13 Russia relies on gas exports for gigantic defense budget +++

Despite Western sanctions, Russia is banking on high oil and gas revenues in its budget planning for 2025. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a government meeting in Moscow that state revenues should rise by 12 percent to 40.3 billion rubles (about 390 billion euros). The share of the energy sector in revenues will grow to almost three quarters. According to media reports, the future budget is also geared towards the war of aggression against Ukraine and large-scale arms production. Expenditure of 13.2 billion rubles is planned for the military, reports the financial news agency Bloomberg from Moscow. In total, 40 percent of all expenditure is earmarked for defense and internal security – more than the expenditure on education, health, social affairs and the economy combined.

+++ 02:10 Duma facilitates recruitment of criminals +++
The Russian parliament has passed a bill that allows the army to recruit suspected criminals for the offensive in Ukraine. According to the bill passed by the State Duma, even defendants who have not yet been convicted can report to the army. If they are decorated or injured in battle, the charges against them will be dropped. The law still has to be passed by the upper house and then signed by President Vladimir Putin.

+++ 01:05 Baerbock outlines key points for peace plan +++
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock outlines key points for possible peace negotiations to end Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. “Peace means that Ukraine’s existence as a free and independent country is guaranteed. It means security guarantees,” said the Green politician at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council in New York. “When we talk about peace, we mean that it must be a just and lasting peace,” stressed Baerbock. She added: “When we talk about peace, it means for Ukraine that it can be sure that the end of the fighting does not mean another round of preparations in Russia.” This applies to Ukraine, Moldova and Poland. Peace must be just and lasting.

+++ 00:21 Blinken takes China and Iran to task at the UN +++
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is calling on the United Nations to take more decisive action against Russia’s supporters in the Ukraine war. “The fastest way forward is to stop those who enable Putin’s aggression,” Blinken said during a high-profile meeting of the UN Security Council, which took place on the sidelines of the UN General Debate in New York. A just peace must be called for that upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter. Specifically, Blinken highlighted the support of Russia by North Korea and Iran.

+++ 23:45 China: “We are not part of the Ukraine war” +++
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the UN Security Council to work more closely on peace negotiations in Ukraine. “The most urgent priority is to adhere to three principles: no expansion of the combat zone, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any means,” said Wang at a high-profile meeting of the body, which was also attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Wang also stressed his country’s neutrality. “China did not trigger the crisis in Ukraine and we are not part of it,” he said. The West accuses Beijing of enabling the war in Ukraine by supplying massive arms to Russia.

+++ 23:09 Selenskyj before Security Council: “War cannot simply disappear” +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed extreme skepticism about negotiations with Russia about ending the ongoing war of aggression against his country. Russia is committing an international crime, Zelensky said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council in New York. “That is why this war cannot simply disappear. That is why this war cannot be calmed down by talks,” Zelensky said. He added: “Action must be taken.”

+++ 22:00 Trump on the Ukraine war: “We have to get out” +++
According to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the USA must withdraw from the war in Ukraine. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris – Trump’s rival in the election campaign – dragged the USA into the war, Trump said at a campaign event in Georgia. “Now they can’t get us out. They can’t do it.” Only with him as president can the USA get out of the war: “I will get it done. I will negotiate it, I will get us out. We have to get out.”

+++ 21:30 Circles: USA sends new military aid to Ukraine +++
According to sources, the US is sending Ukraine new military aid worth around $375 million. This included medium-range cluster bombs as well as various missiles, artillery and armored vehicles, according to US government sources. An official announcement of the aid was expected to take place tomorrow, Wednesday. The new aid package is one of the largest to be approved in recent times. It will remove weapons from US military stockpiles so that they can be delivered to Ukraine more quickly. With the latest package, the US has provided Ukraine with military aid totaling more than $56.2 billion since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against the country in 2022.

All previous developments canYou can read more here.