
topicnews · September 24, 2024

Market town of Windischgarsten plans millions in investments in infrastructure and education

Market town of Windischgarsten plans millions in investments in infrastructure and education

WINDISCHGARSTEN. The future of the Wurbauerkogel, the construction of a new kindergarten, the renovation of the water supply network, the construction of a new fire station: the list of current projects in the market town of Windischgarsten is long. Tips spoke to Mayor Bernhard Rieser (SPÖ) about setting priorities, the financial situation of the municipality and his visions for the town.

Tips: Many communities are struggling with financial difficulties. What is the situation in Windischgarsten?

Bernhard Rieser: Like many other municipalities, we have not been able to balance our regular budget and are in hardship compensation. We can now deal with this, although our scope for action is of course limited. However, whether it generally makes sense to limit the scope for action of the municipalities in this way is another matter.

Tips: The Wurbauerkogel is facing major changes. What are the plans for the future of the adventure mountain and what is the current state of affairs?

Rieser: The fact is: The chairlift on the Wurbauerkogel will be running for the last time this year. We have already exhausted all options here, and renovation is also off the table. But I am confident that something new will come in 2025. The aim is still to operate it all year round. There are already positive discussions with those responsible in the state of Upper Austria.

Tips: The kindergarten project is already taking concrete shape. It’s supposed to be a new building, right?

Rieser: That’s right. The Department of Environmental, Construction and Plant Engineering recommended a new building. This will be built directly at the current location. Specifically, there will be seven groups: four kindergarten groups, one flex group and two crèche groups. Around three and a half million euros will be invested in the project. The opening is planned for 2027.

Tips: Another major project will be the construction of the new fire station. Can you tell us more about the planned location and the next steps?

Rieser: The new fire station building is to be built near the town exit on Gleinkerseestrasse. We are currently in the process of securing this site. This new building will definitely be a major project for the next few years. According to the order of priority, however, the new kindergarten building is now next.

Tips: Let’s move from fire to water: You previously spoke of a comprehensive renovation of the water network. Why is this necessary, what is the plan?

Rieser: Windischgarsten has the oldest water pipe network in the entire region, some pipes are over 100 years old. We have now decided to renovate on three fronts: spring collection point, raised tank, water pipe network. We will start with the latter: in the autumn we will start renovating the water pipe network between the depot and the train station, which is around one and a half kilometers. The cost here is around 1.5 million euros.

Tips: A quick change of topic at the end: the market town will become a nature night area. What does that mean?

Rieser: If you look at the region at night, it is still really dark in our Limestone Alps area. We want to support this as a future natural night area. The process has already started, but the exact measures to be taken are still being worked out.