
topicnews · September 24, 2024

Airport security check: Social trend annoys staff

Airport security check: Social trend annoys staff

Neatly sorted instead of hastily thrown in: Photos of draped safety tubs are increasingly found on Tiktok and other social networks.

The security check is the bottleneck at the airport that all passengers have to go through on their way to the plane. Quickly through, quickly on their way is the motto. But apparently not for everyone: Some take the time to stylishly drape hand luggage in the security tray. Then they take a photo of it and post it, reports the specialist portal “”. The social media trend also has a name: “Airport Tray Aesthetic”.

The photos show draped accessories, headphones, cameras and other accessories that have to be put in the tub because they are not allowed to be on the body on the way through the security check. The images are reminiscent of a still life. And they can bring things to a standstill: Anyone who wants to shine on Tiktok or Instagram with a security check ensemble may disrupt the operation of the security check by taking photos.

“Nobody needs anything like that in this process,” says a spokesman for Fraport, the operator of Germany’s largest airport in Frankfurt am Main. It’s about passenger safety and not “a fancy thing.” Especially since the tubs are part of a recycling system and should be returned quickly so that subsequent passengers can use them again. Anyone who stands around for a long time after the check and takes photos of the filled tub would probably be approached by security staff.

The practical question remains: what belongs in the tub? Jackets, bags and trolleys, of course. Depending on the system, larger electronic items such as laptops and tablets as well as liquids must be placed separately. The following applies: The individual containers must not hold more than 100 milliliters and they must all be stored in a resealable, transparent bag with a maximum capacity of one liter.

If a CT scanner is used, liquids and electrical devices can even be left in the backpack or trolley. The Fraport spokesperson points this out. According to him, 42 of these devices are in use in Frankfurt – at the busiest checkpoints. This means that travelers can get by with fewer trays and waiting times have been shortened.

What always applies, by the way, is that trouser pockets must be empty. Belts can stay on, however, according to the Federal Police.

Back to the supposed trend: some people don’t even need an airport for their still life, “” continues. Instead, they create the pictures at home using Photoshop and a purchased plastic tub – “including a homemade boarding pass”. Probably the best solution, because no one is held up at the airport.