
topicnews · September 24, 2024

UFC Laxenburg – Laxenburg got off lightly

UFC Laxenburg – Laxenburg got off lightly

A sigh of relief in Laxenburg! After the flood, which left the square under water, there was a great sense of relief. “We got off lightly,” said chairman Stefan Fasching, breathing a sigh of relief. The flood left no lasting damage, and stopped at the doorstep, so to speak.

“Thanks to the Laxenburg fire department and all the helpers, without whose support we would have suffered more damage,” said Fasching. Laxenburg played away at the weekend, but the rest of the game is not in danger. “It (the pitch, note) looks good, we are happy that nothing worse happened,” Fasching continued.

In the derby against Achau for the fourth victory in a row

Coach Christian Gruber is pleased that the derby against SC Achau can even take place on their own pitch. “We’ve had the go-ahead since the weekend. There’s no mud, the helpers have done an incredible job. The pitch is even in very good condition. We’re looking forward to the party on our own pitch.”

The current form also speaks for UFC Laxenburg. “We have now won three games in the series.” The win against Lanzendorf was particularly important, where we have not won since 2005.”