
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Bar Smith’s motion to reduce bail fails; prosecutor seeks bail increase for ‘Teen Mom’ star due to past criminal activity – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

Bar Smith’s motion to reduce bail fails; prosecutor seeks bail increase for ‘Teen Mom’ star due to past criminal activity – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

“In moments like these, I’m glad I have four eyebrows to truly capture my emotions.”

Bar SmithHis latest attempt to get out of jail and/or get his $35,000 bail reduced has blown up in his face.

The Teenage mother Father – who has been in prison since July – planned to work with his public defender to convince the court to release him from prison on his word of honor. or to reduce his bail, which is currently set at $35,000. Although Bar and his public defender have argued that Bar is not a flight risk or a danger to society, the prosecutor – who heard of Bar’s criminal past and his escapades in California and Nevada – not only disagreed, but also fought to increase Bail for lawyer: $150,000!

Starry sky reported that prosecutors objected to Bar’s request for release or bail reduction one day before the trial.As The Ashley As previously reported, the estranged husband of Ashley Jones was arrested on July 7 after an argument between him and Ashley. Since then, Bar has been in prison in Nevada for kidnapping, coercion and burglary.


The Ashley broke the news that Bar’s public defender filed a motion on August 8, requesting that Bar be released on his own bail or that the $35,000 bail be reduced. According to starry sky, Bar’s attorney explained that Bar is “unable to pay the current bail” and that, therefore, “the current bail setting is like a warrant for his arrest.” (Essentially, the public defender is saying that since Bar cannot afford the bail and must remain in jail, it is as if he has already served a prison sentence.)

In the motion, Bar’s attorney insisted that he was neither a flight risk nor a “danger to the community,” but only a danger to Ashley.

Ashley, after reading this detail of the proposal. (Probably.)

While the hearing of Bar’s motion was scheduled for August 22, Starry sky Prosecutors reportedly filed an objection to the motion the day before, requesting that Bar’s bail increased to $150,000 with extensive electronic monitoring and a no-contact order with Ashley. Prosecutors cited Bar’s criminal history as the reason for the proposed bail increase, as well as the July incident with Ashley in which Bar traveled from California to Nevada to allegedly confront Ashley about her social media activity.

“The defendant’s criminal history, violent nature, and willingness to fly from California to Nevada because of a social media post are incredibly concerning and evidence that he is likely to endanger the safety of the community, Ashley, and her family,” the prosecutor’s motion states.

“The defendant states that there was no physical altercation or injury of any kind in this case and therefore there is no danger… During the preliminary hearing, new information was presented that Ashley feared for her life and therefore had her mother on standby to call the police…”

(Click here to listen to the phone call with Ashley’s mother. Tea Chapple911 the day Bar allegedly held Ashley hostage in her apartment.)

The prosecutor also claimed in the motion that Ashley – who has a daughter, Holly, with Bar – “knew help was on the way” and was therefore able to act calmly and be careful not to “agitate.” [Bar] rather in an effort to avoid physical escalation.”

The prosecutor also took statements from Ashley’s parents, who both stated that Bar has been physical towards Ashley, her family and others in the past.

“In their voluntary statements, Ashley’s parents point to the violent behavior that the defendant has been displaying toward the entire family for some time,” prosecutors said.

Tea claimed that Bar “shot at my daughter’s house while we were taking her medical [assistant graduation] Party,” which led to Bar’s arrest. (This incident was featured in an episode of Teenage Mother 2.)

Ashley’s mother said she had to remove Ashley from her home because Bar allegedly “held her hostage with a gun.” She also claimed that Bar had harassed her family at various locations.

“The last seven years have been a nightmare,” Tea wrote, according to Starry sky“I am a retired pastor and Bariki has come to my services to beat my children. He has attacked my deceased son, beaten my eldest daughter and my husband… He keeps the family in fear with threats and violence and WE KNOW HE WILL DO IT! We have seen with our own eyes how he attacks people with weapons.”

The fact that Bar posed for a mugshot from the past wearing a T-shirt that read “Shoot Loots” probably didn’t help his case…

“At this point we’re looking over our shoulders in fear because we don’t know when he’s going to just show up and start hitting my daughter again,” Tea added.

Ashley’s father Ted Chapple also had a lot to say about Bar and his past antics.

“The destruction of property he has caused – the whole family is fed up with him. The only reason our daughter has anything to do with him is [is] because they have a six-year-old daughter together,” Ted wrote, adding that Bar “has a history of using weapons to get his way.”

“So we have been dealing with his antics for a long time and we are tired of it,” he added. “He has put enough people in danger to better himself. Simply put, we have not and will not deal with him and his stupidity.”

Due to the strong arguments of the prosecution against Bar— And the prosecutor’s attempt to actually increase Bar’s bail – Bar and his attorney have withdrawn their motion to release Bar and/or reduce bail.

Currently, Bar remains in custody at the Clark County Jail. A status review hearing has been scheduled for September 24, and Bar’s trial is scheduled for October 21.

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! David Eason Can’t Pay Lawyer in Child Abuse Criminal Case; Fired ‘Teen Mom’ Star Begs for Public Defender After Revealing He’s Nearly $49,000 in Debt

(Photos: (MTV; Instagram)