
topicnews · September 24, 2024

“Holiding”: This is what makes the dating trend so dangerous

“Holiding”: This is what makes the dating trend so dangerous

“Holidating” is when people who are newly in love go on holiday together while they are getting to know each other.

“Traveling with someone you barely know is always risky,” psychologist Hilda Burke told Stylist magazine. She continued: “It’s an incredibly intense experience, and unlike a date in your hometown, there’s no escape if things don’t go well.”

The dating trend helps people get to know each other quickly

According to Hilda Burke, “holiding” can also have certain advantages: “In this way, you learn how the other person deals with different cultures and special situations: the flight is cancelled, one of you loses that.”
Luggage, etc. You get an impression of the other person that you would never get otherwise – that’s why this intimacy is a good way to get to know each other.”

But “holiding” can also be dangerous

But there are also disadvantages and that is what makes the dating trend so dangerous. Because you are traveling with a stranger. Experts warn that traveling with a stranger is risky: After all, it is difficult to escape the situation if things are not going well.

The person appears more attractive than usual

And there’s another catch. “In a study, we found that when you’re in a precarious situation with a stranger, you find them more attractive than if you meet the same person in a neutral place,” says Dr. Arthur Aron of New York’s Stony Brook University. In other words: If you’re going out to dinner with your date in Venice, standing on a suspension bridge in the jungle, or in front of the pyramids in Egypt, you find the other person much more attractive than if you meet them at home.

The adrenaline level can rise quickly due to the positive stress at altitude – and this also makes the date significantly more attractive. This was discovered by a study from McKendree University in Illinois. The expectations of a romantic vacation should not be set too high either, so as not to be disappointed when you get home.