
topicnews · September 24, 2024

Wallisellen: Joel Bopp realized his dream with the Tennis Factory

Wallisellen: Joel Bopp realized his dream with the Tennis Factory


Joel Bopp (23)“As a young entrepreneur, you have to give it twice as much gas”

Joel Bopp (23) has realized his dream of owning his own tennis shop with the Tennis Factory in Wallisellen ZH. It all started in the basement of his parents’ house.

  • In Wallisellen ZH, 23-year-old Joel Bopp runs a tennis shop.

  • It all started in his parents’ house with a stringing machine for tennis rackets.

  • Bopp now has seven employees and the shop is his pride and joy.

With the Tennis Factory in Wallisellen ZH, 23-year-old Joel Bopp has made his dream come true. This weekend he and his team celebrated the two-year anniversary of his tennis shop. Bopp says: “This shop is my everything, my pride and joy.”

From the children’s room to your own shop

It all started in 2017, when I was 16 years old. “I bought a tennis stringing machine because the strings kept breaking when I was playing. I was fed up with that and started stringing rackets in my bedroom.”

In 2018, Bopp founded the Tennis Factory and expanded into the basement of his parents’ house. There he set up a small shop because he was now not only stringing rackets, but also selling them. In 2022, at the age of 21, he realized his dream of owning his own tennis shop.

Opening in Wallisellen: Joel put all his savings into the shop

When he opened his shop, Bopp was the youngest tennis shop owner in Switzerland. It takes money to set up a shop like this: “All my spare parts are in the Tennis Factory. But I was also lucky and was able to convince investors with my concept,” says the Walliseller.

Joel Bopp at the Tennis Factory in Wallisellen ZH.

Joel Bopp at the Tennis Factory in Wallisellen ZH.

Florian Osterwalder

Nevertheless, as a young entrepreneur, he always had to fight prejudices. “The biggest difficulty for me was to appear credible at such a young age.” When I had to negotiate contracts, my counterparts doubted me. They gave me the feeling: ‘He’s much too young and not credible anyway,'” says Bopp. Over the years, he was able to earn the necessary respect with his hard work and know-how. “As a young entrepreneur, you simply have to give it twice as much gas,” he sums up.

“If you force yourself to be successful, you will give up before you succeed”

Joel Bopp, young entrepreneur

When asked what advice he would give to other young people who want to start a business for a reason, Bopp says: “You shouldn’t force anything, just have fun with it.” If you force yourself to be successful, you’ll give up before you succeed.”

Difficult decision at 21 years old

Despite the success that Bopp has now had with his Tennis Factory, there were also decisions to be made that were not easy. “Our lease for the Tennis Factory runs for six years. I had to decide at the age of 21 whether I wanted to take this step.” He couldn’t just stop if he didn’t like it anymore. “I’ve never had to make such a reasoned decision before in my life.”

“Anyone who comes to us feels at home”

Joel Bopp, founder of Tennis Factory

In times when more and more orders are being placed online, it takes more than just a nice store to acquire customers – and to keep them. “Customers appreciate our personal approach in the store. “Anyone who comes to us feels at home,” explains Bopp. The experience on site in the Tennis Factory could not be reproduced online. “We have a relaxed atmosphere, everyone is welcome.”

In addition to tennis equipment, the Tennis Factory also sells sportswear and accessories for padel, squash and badminton.

In addition to tennis equipment, the Tennis Factory also sells sportswear and accessories for padel, squash and badminton.

In addition to tennis equipment, the Tennis Factory also sells sportswear and accessories for padel, squash and badminton.

Tennis Factory

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