
topicnews · September 23, 2024

A 19-year-old motorcyclist is seriously injured in an accident on the Xàbia-Benitatxell motorway

A 19-year-old motorcyclist is seriously injured in an accident on the Xàbia-Benitatxell motorway

23 September 2024 – 10: 02

Veronica Blasco

Tonight, at around 00:10, a serious accident occurred on the CV-740, a road that connects the towns of Xàbia – El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. The accident was caused by a large-displacement motorcycle leaving the road, losing control and turning left.

Rescue workers rushed to the scene and found the driver, a 19-year-old man, in the ditch. The injured man’s condition is critical, with his right leg almost amputated and his left arm broken. After assessing the severity of the injuries, emergency teams applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, a measure that was later reinforced by Basic Vital Service (SVB) personnel.

Shortly afterwards, a unit of the Emergency Medical Assistance Service (SAMU) arrived at the scene. After stabilising the injured man and assessing his condition, it was decided to immediately transfer him to the hospital in Alicante, where a specialised vascular surgeon attended to the severity of his injuries.

Police and traffic authorities are already investigating the cause of the accident, while the young man continues to receive intensive medical care.