
topicnews · September 23, 2024

Art fraudster Anna Delvey was interviewed by internet icon Ziwe

Art fraudster Anna Delvey was interviewed by internet icon Ziwe

First Dancing with the starsnow internet icon and comedian Ziwe Fumudoh: Anna Delvey is apparently on a press tour.

Delvey, 33, whose real name is Anna Sorokin, appeared in an extensive interview with Ziwe posted on YouTube on Tuesday to discuss her numerous scams.

Delvey was convicted of theft, grand theft and financial crimes in 2019 and sentenced to 4 to 12 years in prison. She was released in 2022. In early 2022, she set out to monetize her infamy by hosting an art exhibition while still in custody and adapting her life and scams into the Netflix miniseries. The invention of Anna by Shonda Rhimes. As of December 2022, Delvey had sold $340,000 worth of paintings and drawings. Since her release, Delvey has been under house arrest, but that hasn’t stopped her from hosting lavish dinner parties in her East Village apartment, launching a podcast, and hosting a fashion show on her rooftop last September.

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Earlier this month, Delvey walked the runway for Shao New York during Fashion Week.

In many ways, Delvey is the ideal interview subject for Ziwe, who first rose to fame by conducting dry and often outrageous interviews with clueless quasi-celebrities like influencer Caroline Calloway and cookbook author Alison Roman. Ziwe eventually parlayed her YouTube show and a Covid-era Instagram Live series into a variety show on Showtime that ran for two seasons.

In one of her classic leading questions, Ziwe asked Delvey who she thought was a bigger hero: Sam Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes or Bernie Madoff. To no one’s surprise, Delvey said she found Holmes the most relatable. Why?

“Because she is a white woman who has had to go through the criminal justice system,” she said.

Since half the fun of a Ziwe interview is not knowing what weird or provocative question she will ask next, I’ll leave it at that and you can watch the interview below: