
topicnews · September 23, 2024

Police chief does not plan to meet with the family of the murdered banker

Police chief does not plan to meet with the family of the murdered banker

The family of the 30-year-old banker said they had lost confidence in the police leadership and could no longer solve the murder.

Mr Wilson, a father of two, was shot dead on his doorstep in November 2004. His killer was never found.

Last week, Scotland’s chief justice, Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC, ordered a full re-investigation of the case.

Police Chief Jo Farrell said a “comprehensive” investigation had taken place (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Police Commissioner Jo Farrell was asked about the Wilson family’s criticism of the way the police conducted the investigation.

Speaking to reporters at Police Scotland headquarters in Tulliallan, Fife, she said: “We are absolutely determined to solve the case and get justice for Alistair Wilson’s family.”

“We have a really good track record in major investigations and murder cases.

“We have appointed a new SIO (senior investigating officer) and a new team, which was done in consultation with the Lord Advocate.

“This was a very, very extensive investigation spanning several years.”

She said she had “no immediate plans” to meet with the Wilson family.

When asked if she would meet the family if they requested, the police commissioner said it was important for the SIO and the family liaison officers to build a relationship.

Last week, Mr Wilson’s eldest son, Andrew Wilson, sharply criticized the head of the serious crime unit, Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Livingstone.

The 24-year-old said: “I cannot understand why Paul Livingstone has not been sacked and if Jo Farrell does not reconsider our request for a meeting, it also calls her position into question.”

“We have suffered nothing but incompetent police leadership and if this continues, we risk standing in the way of catching my father’s killer and getting the justice we deserve as a family.”

Last week, Police Scotland’s Deputy Chief Constable Steve Johnson said: “We have recently received new instructions from the Lord Advocate to re-investigate the murder of Alistair Wilson.

“Officers remain committed and determined to identify Alistair’s killer and obtain justice for his family.

“We are in the process of assembling the investigation team. It will be led by a Detective Chief Superintendent in his role as strategic lead investigator.

“They will thoroughly re-investigate this murder.

“Unsolved murder cases in Scotland are never closed and there is no statute of limitations for passing information to the police.

“We appeal to anyone who may have information that has not yet been shared with the police to come forward and report it.”

Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting incident 515 of 4 March 2022 and Operation Sorn or email [email protected].