
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Nutritionist gives tips on back-to-school meals

Nutritionist gives tips on back-to-school meals

DULUTH, Minnesota – With the start of school comes many decisions: new backpacks, shoes and even the question of what to pack for lunch.

During this busy time of year, it’s easy to lose track of how to encourage healthy eating in children. In speaking with a nutritionist at Aspirus-St. Luke’s Hospital, she shared some helpful tips on how to help young students stick to a good eating plan.
However, she says that eating well is easier than you might think.

“I think nutrition can be very simple for kids. So stick to those three food groups. You have a starch or a grain-like food and a protein or a food and a vegetable. You can have those in so many different combinations and different ways. You can make a combined meal out of it or you can have everything separately,” explained Dr. Brenda Schwerdt.

When your schedule is busy, it’s easier to just grab something and go. With that in mind, it’s also important to keep a balance.

“A candy bar or a bag of chips may be easy to grab, but there are some really nutritious foods that are just as easy to grab,” explains Dr. Schwerdt.
“There are no good or bad foods. A chocolate bar might be OK. But are you getting your protein? And are you eating fruits and vegetables?”

Dr. Schwerdt also advises educating yourself on food safety. Remember to have a thermos or ice pack ready if needed to prevent foodborne illness.