
topicnews · September 23, 2024

The Barnstorf library jumps on the Booktok trend

The Barnstorf library jumps on the Booktok trend

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Strikingly colorful book covers: Booktok highlights are available on a special table in the library. Manager Eva-Maria Meyer has 26 copies in her range so far. More may follow if the books are well received. © Könemann, Jan

The Barnstorf library offers books from the Booktok trend. With this step, library director Eva-Maria Meyer hopes to appeal to young adults. But the new offer has not been a success so far.

Barnstorf – Admittedly, the trend is no longer really new: According to library director Eva-Maria “Evi” Meyer, Booktok (see info box) has been around in Germany since the Corona period. What is new, however, is that such books, which are presented on social media under this hashtag, have also been available in the library in Barnstorf since spring this year. Readers can now borrow books from the Booktok circle on a special table with the inscription “#Booktok-highlights”.

“We are constantly monitoring the book market,” says Evi Meyer. After doing some online research, during which she also watched many of these videos on social networks, the library director decided to order books from this area.

“We are always interested in making an offer for young adults,” says Meyer, explaining the idea behind it. The clientele in Barnstorf is either very young or a little older. Young adults, on the other hand, do not come to the library that often, says Eva-Maria Meyer. The library director wants to change that with the new offer. “The books look attractive and are easy and quick to read,” she says, citing two advantages of the Booktok books. “It is also something for beginners,” says Meyer, adding: “No matter what age or gender.

Book range can be expanded – if the numbers are right

Of course, the Barnstorf library does not have all the books from the Booktok cosmos in its own range. That is not even possible given the considerable number. “We currently have 26 books from this trend in our inventory,” says Evi Meyer. She selects the works herself – based on the contents and the book covers, she says, and explains: “I select the books that I think are read the most in Barnstorf.” According to Meyer, the highlights in the current repertoire are: “Blackwell Palace” by Ayla Dade, “Dunbridge Academy” by Sarah Sprinz and “The American Roommate Experience” by Elena Armas.

Meyer has made a small selection of the works currently available. However, this could be made much more extensive if there are enough numbers: “I make the offer dependent on the numbers,” says Eva-Maria Meyer. They would also like to order more of these books – if they are actually read. And that is still the problem at the moment. Although those who have read such a book have given consistently positive feedback, there have not been many actual loans so far. “Many people don’t even know that they will have it,” suspects Meyer, and says: “It has to get going properly first.” She hopes that the newspaper article will make even more young readers aware of the new books in the library.

Book presentation for the “Book of the Month” also in video form

Meyer herself thinks the Booktok trend is “great.” “It reaches the younger generation where they are.” “If reading becomes more widespread as a result, that’s fantastic,” says the library director. For “the slightly older” who aren’t registered on Tiktok, she recommends YouTube. There, too, book recommendations are given under the “Booktube” channel – recorded as a video and without prior registration.

Eva-Maria Meyer also has a tip of her own. On the Barnstorf library website, the director regularly presents “The Book of the Month”. And now not only in written form. Meyer: “I recorded videos for ten books.” In keeping with the not-so-new trend of Booktok…

This is Booktok

Booktok is a community on the social media platform Tiktok. It is used – primarily by young, female users – to publish reviews of books under the corresponding hashtag. The idea is not to give a long and detailed synopsis, but to describe one’s own reading experience as briefly and emotionally as possible – and thus make people want to read the book.

“The books are primarily content for young people,” explains Barnstorf’s library director Eva-Maria Meyer. Classic genres here are romance and fantasy. Booktok is now one of the largest communities on Tiktok. There alone, around 37 million posts have been published under the hashtag “Booktok”, which have a total of more than 200 billion views. The book presentations can also be shown on Instagram (Bookstagram) and YouTube (Booktube).

The Tiktok platform and Media Control have been publishing the official #Booktok bestseller list every month since April 2023. It consists of the 20 most successful book titles on the social media platform Tiktok.