
topicnews · September 22, 2024

X loses battle to protect Genshin Impact leaker’s anonymity

X loses battle to protect Genshin Impact leaker’s anonymity

In a major setback for free speech and the rights of anonymous internet users, X (formerly Twitter) has lost the legal battle to preserve the anonymity of a Genshin Impact leaker. This issue has caught the public’s attention. The game’s developer, HoYoverse, won the case in court, forcing X to reveal the user’s identity. The leaker, who was accused of revealing private information about the popular video game “Genshin Impact,” had argued that he should remain anonymous under the First Amendment.

Court rules against X in anonymity case:

The case began when Genshin Impact developer HoYoverse filed a lawsuit to find the person who leaked private game information on X. The company claimed that the leaks – which contained exclusive game content and confidential information – violated confidentiality agreements and its terms of service. HoYoverse said the revelations seriously harmed its economic interests, so it issued an order to compel X to reveal the identity of the person responsible.

Initially, X resisted the information request, claiming that the leaker’s right to anonymity must be preserved until HoYoverse could prove that the material was absolutely necessary. X invoked the First Amendment in doing so. The platform’s legal team stressed the importance of protecting anonymous expression online, especially in situations where people could face retaliation or unjustified legal pressure.

However, the court ruled in HoYoverse’s favor because the developer had provided enough evidence that the leaks were harmful and that identifying the culprit was essential to legal action. The judge concluded that while anonymous speech is protected by the First Amendment, that protection cannot be excluded, especially when criminal acts are involved. The decision made it clear that the right to anonymity does not absolve people of responsibility when their actions violate the law or contract terms.

Impact on freedom of expression and anonymity on the Internet:

The decision sparked a broader discussion about how to strike a balance between protecting intellectual property online, the right to anonymity, and free speech. Although the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides strong protection for anonymous speech, legal experts have pointed out that this right is not absolute. Courts have the power to order platforms like X to reveal the identities of users if the communications are deemed harmful or in breach of contract.

The court’s ruling is a major victory for HoYoverse in its fight against illegal leaks that could harm its operations and cause chaos among players. The company has taken legal action against anyone who shares private or unpublished content without permission, stepping up its efforts to protect its intellectual property.

However, some advocates of free speech and online privacy viewed the ruling as a defeat. Opponents claim that requiring platforms to disclose the identities of users could have negative effects as it could prevent journalists, whistleblowers and others from publishing material that could be of public interest. They sound a warning, arguing that such rulings could give companies the security to take legal action against anyone who criticizes or leaks information, thus limiting free speech.

X’s ongoing challenges in balancing data protection and regulatory compliance:

The legal setback X suffered in this case is a reflection of the larger struggle social media companies face in navigating the complex legal terrain surrounding user privacy, free speech, and compliance with court orders. While platforms like X and others like it often protect user privacy, they are also legally obligated to comply with court orders and requests, especially when there may have been violations of the law.

The ruling against X brings to light the constant conflicts that arise between enforcing the law and defending users’ rights. The delicate and ever-changing balance between anonymity and accountability is caused by the increasing pressure that governments and corporate groups put on platforms to reveal user information.


This case reminds us that while anonymity online can provide crucial protection for the right to free expression, it is not a perfect shield against legal action. The difficulty for X and other platforms will be to uphold the values ​​of privacy and free expression while complying with the legal frameworks that govern their business practices.