
topicnews · August 26, 2024

What is the status of the investigation into the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump?

What is the status of the investigation into the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump?

August 26 – Nearly eight weeks have passed since a 20-year-old man climbed onto a roof at a Donald Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and shot the former president, wounding him in the ear.

One man lost his life while protecting his family and two others were injured.

The shooter was killed by the secret service.

These facts are pretty much all we know, eight weeks later. Some intelligence agents have been placed on leave and the director has resigned.

But that’s it. That’s all that happened.

What’s up?

Pat Ryan of NewsTalk 103.7FM stressed: “I am still very disappointed, particularly by one of our casual listeners, a doctor of philosophy, who told me it’s over, it’s done, let’s move on. Over my dead body, and thank God we don’t have a former president here in that condition as well.”

Ryan Schmelz of Fox News reported: “The bipartisan task force investigating the attempted assassination of former President Trump will visit the Pennsylvania site where the shooting took place. More than 10 lawmakers will meet with officials and get a tour of the site. Back in Washington, a counter-forum will be held, attended by a group of lawmakers not on the task force. Two of them are war veterans, Cory Mills of Florida and Eli Crane of Arizona, both Republicans who pushed for inclusion on the task force and expressed frustration at not being selected.”

Attorney Clint Barkdoll said, “The task force is a bipartisan task force. They’re going to tour the facility today. They’re going to be on site and look at where all this happened. But there’s a lot of internal wrangling now, mainly within the Republican caucus in the House. They control the House. There are key Republican congressmen there who say we should have been on that task force. We wanted to be on it. We weren’t appointed. Now they’re forming their own counter task force to do another parallel investigation. I think that’s problematic. As I’ve said from the beginning, there are up to seven, eight, nine different investigations, they’re just flooding the zone with information and the bottom line is nothing is getting accomplished. At some point, in the fall or winter, they’re going to release all the reports. It’s all going to get lost in the shuffle and you’re not hearing anything about what’s really going on in this investigation. Think about the shooter. We haven’t heard from him in weeks now. Where is the investigation into his motives, into what he did in the days and weeks before the incident? Do the authorities have any suspicions about what happened? We hear nothing about that.”

Ryan insisted, “It’s ridiculous, outrageous and disappointing why neither side is coming out more passionately, because if this were happening on the other side, they would lose their minds. The mainstream media and everyone covering this is lying to you and covering for you. There are way more questions than answers, and you on the left should be just as angry about this as we are on the other side of the aisle.”