
topicnews · September 22, 2024

Christopher Street Day – Police must protect parade in small Saxon town – Politics

Christopher Street Day – Police must protect parade in small Saxon town – Politics

Under police protection, the third Christopher Street Day (CSD) took place on Saturday in Döbeln in central Saxony. According to the police, a peak of 650 people took part in the parade of the queer community with the motto: “Colorful flags against brown politics!”. Many people had traveled from outside to support the CSD in the small town. Because of a counter-demonstration by right-wing extremists that had been registered at the same time, the police had 180 officers on site. The “Free Saxons” and the neo-Nazi group “Elblandrevolte” from Dresden had mobilized for this. Here, the police counted around 200 people at the peak. In August, around 700 neo-Nazis had already attempted to intimidate and threatened around a thousand CSD participants at a CSD in Bautzen. At that time, too, Saxony’s police were present in large numbers to prevent an escalation.