
topicnews · September 22, 2024

Baselland says yes to the doctors’ ban

Baselland says yes to the doctors’ ban

The trend in the canton of Baselland is moving towards a ban on doctors. So far, the projection is that 60.5 percent are in favor.

The most important things in brief

  • 60.5 percent of the voting population in the canton of Basel-Landschaft are in favor of a ban on doctors.
  • This shows a clear trend, according to the State Chancellery.


In the canton of Baselland, a yes vote to the doctors’ ban is emerging. According to the state chancellery, after the votes from 69 of 86 municipalities have been counted, 60.5 percent of the voting population are in favor of the proposal.

The partial revision of the health law allows the government to order an immediate stop to doctors in certain specialist areas and to set maximum numbers. If the supply situation makes it necessary, they can deviate from the maximum numbers in individual cases in a specialist area or region. In-depth knowledge is expected. These amount to 7.7 million francs per year.



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