
topicnews · September 21, 2024

Focus on the needs of the applicants

Focus on the needs of the applicants

Upper Austria. In the last part of a three-part tips series on the subject of personnel recruitment, David Stöttner from takes a look at current developments and the possible applications of artificial intelligence in this area.

Tips: What are the special characteristics of “attractive” employers?

Stöttner: It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to be attractive. A good salary is still very important when choosing a job. But an excellent work-life balance, ongoing training opportunities and a supportive working environment are now just as important. A strong, transparent and authentic corporate culture that promotes appreciation and participation is also crucial for success in modern recruiting. Companies should actively shape the changes in the world of work and respond to the constantly changing requirements of potential employees. This diversity among employees and courage to try new things can help a company move forward incredibly.

Tips: What needs to change when it comes to recruiting staff?

Stöttner: We need to become even more flexible in the future and find and use new technologies and unconventional talent. A rethink towards data-driven decision-making processes and digital recruitment methods will also become more important. In addition, more emphasis should be placed on the needs of the applicant and a positive applicant experience should be created in order to remain competitive.

Tips: How do you approach people who “aren’t actually looking”?

Stöttner: These people are reached through interesting, tailored offers and personal contact. Recommendations from existing employees are particularly effective here. Social networks play a major role: Authentic insights into the company via social media and employer branding arouse additional interest and can lead to contact, even with passively searching candidates.

Tips: Is the “young generation” looking for jobs differently than was previously the case?

Stöttner: The younger generation is increasingly using digital platforms and social media and is paying close attention to employer ratings and corporate culture. Mobile, fast and transparent application processes are important to them. Authenticity and a strong online presence of the company are crucial, as is information about the meaningfulness of the work and development opportunities.

Tips: What new, innovative methods are there for recruiting staff?

Stöttner: Innovative methods such as gamification, which we offer in our social recruiting packages from, as well as algorithms for talent prediction and targeted employer branding are becoming increasingly important. Online platforms and AI-supported analyses improve the pre-selection of applicants. Personalized communication via social media significantly increases the efficiency and accuracy of the personnel search, which subsequently leads to better results.

Tips: To what extent can artificial intelligence be used for this?

Stöttner: Many repetitive tasks can now be easily automated. AI can help with this and will become even more important in the future. This starts with the creation of job advertisements and continues through pre-selection to the assessment of applicants. This can avoid unconscious biases and at the same time initiate individual onboarding processes. This allows HR staff to concentrate on strategic and interpersonal aspects of recruiting. When recruiting, you should not be afraid of innovations such as AI. It has enormous potential to support, but can never replace human decisions.