
topicnews · September 21, 2024

Wismar: Park day for the re-urbanization action day | – News – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Wismar: Park day for the re-urbanization action day | – News – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Status: 21.09.2024 09:23 a.m.

Play and discuss instead of parking in Wismar.

In Wismar, Parking Day triggered a cautious reaction. For ten hours on Friday, 35 parking spaces at the Marienkirche tower were reused. The organizer paid the fees for the parking spaces, and around 20 participants used them creatively. For example, table tennis and board games were played, pottery was made and discussions were held. A car-sharing offer was presented, among other things, with cake and music. According to the organizer, however, there was less interaction with Passat than expected. However, there were no justified negative comments or even arguments. Parking Day is an international day of action for the re-urbanization of inner cities that has taken place annually since 2005.

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NDR 1 Radio MV | Regional news from Schwerin | 21.09.2024 | 08:30 a.m.
