
topicnews · September 21, 2024

Football: Finn Pahkala brings Vikings into final form

Football: Finn Pahkala brings Vikings into final form

On Sunday, many careers can be crowned prematurely when the Vikings not only win the second Viennese title in the still young history of the European League of Football (ELF) in front of around 40,000 spectators in the Arena auf Schalke in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, but also achieve a “perfect season”.

“It’s the most important game of my life, it means everything to me.” “I’ve never been so nervous before a game,” Pahkala explained in an interview with ORF. She has already coached around 90,000 fans at college in Nebraska. “But the fact that this is happening here in Europe makes it so special.” “We have a lot of European players and mainly European coaches,” emphasized Pahkala, who, with her team led by head coach Chris Calaycay, is aiming for their 14th win in 14 games in the final against the German defending champions Rhein Fire.

“It doesn’t matter that I’m a woman”

It is also special that the Vikings have a woman on the coaching staff, especially in a male-dominated field like American football. There, 53 players listen to what the 27-year-old says. “The players are great, they don’t care that I’m a woman.” We have a player who is over 40 years old, has a high-ranking job and now has to do what I say. That’s funny for both of us, because I’m also younger. But we all know that we’re on the field and what we have to do.”

Vikings coaching legend Calaycay, the American who has been in Austria for 25 years, noticed Pahkala and brought the Finn on board last year when she joined a Romanian team after her US visa expired. “It’s cool to get this chance as a woman. We need coaches like Chris who don’t care where you come from, how old you are or what gender you are. It was important to him what experience I had. “He gave me this chance and more, and I owe him a lot,” emphasized Pahkala, who has worked for well-known US colleges (including Georgia and Nebraska).

A head coach like Calaycay usually has three coordinators under him. One for the offense, one for the defense and one for the special teams. Pahkala, who also works as a personal trainer in Vienna, helps with the offense and sharpens the special teams’ routines, but above all sets the tone in the offseason when it comes to achieving the appropriate level of fitness. “I played football as a child and then had NFL dreams, went to US colleges, started fitness coaching there, and that is also my specialty, I know that I am very good at it.”

Pahkala brings “different perspectives”

And it seems that this is not only the case in this area. Max Sommer has been the offensive coordinator of the Vienna Vikings since this season and is also the head coach of the Austrian national team, which is currently the European champion. The 36-year-old is full of praise for Pahkala.

“She has an outstanding dedication not only to the sport, but also to the team.” For her, the team comes first and she is not above any work. And even though she has already gained so much experience in the USA, she does everything that needs to be done. She is a so-called ‘glue person’ who simply creates cohesion in the team. I really value this social aspect.” Pahkala adds in this context: “I have never experienced such team chemistry.”

Viennese Vikings

Max Sommer (second from left) leads the offense, Pahkala (fourth) helps first row with

In general, Sommer appreciated the feminine perspective in a crowd full of men, including that of media director Kiki Klepsch. “Women in a male-dominated field have enormous added value because they also have different perspectives and a good instinct,” said the Styrian, who also can’t wait for the final in Germany. “I wouldn’t put it above the European Championship final, it’s just another highlight at the top of the list.” He will also go there as a coach. “We saw the 2014 European Championship final in Vienna in front of 28,000 fans, and the fact that so many will be there now is an enormous incentive,” said Sommer.

In the spring, Calaycay projected the arena at Schalke onto the wall at the first meeting and set it as the goal. Victory after victory followed. “It’s our chance to show that Austrian football is better than German football,” says Pahkala aggressively. “We have to stop their run and produce offensively, like we always have.” But everyone in the team is needed. We’ve already beaten them and now we want to remain undefeated.”

Finnish-Austrian similarities

And after that? “I will continue to grow and learn.” “I actually never want to leave here again,” Pahkala replied with a laugh. If someone from the USA called again, she would naturally think twice, but for now she feels very comfortable here. Pahkala can’t deal with the prejudice that Viennese people in particular are rude. “It’s similar to Finland, where people like to spend time with each other once you’ve gotten to know each other.”

Pahkala is also a member of the Finnish national team, which lost to Austria in the final of the European Championship last year. Football is more important in Finland than in this country, and Karri Pajarinen is also the Vikings’ starting running back. “We are a hockey nation, and football is similar in terms of physical contact, and many dropouts end up playing football.” But Austria has more players, so we have to catch up.”

“Exciting time” in football

Meanwhile, women in coaching positions in men’s football have caught up, with the all-important National Football League (NFL) now employing twelve women full-time. “There are more women coaching than ever before. It’s getting more and more, it’s getting better and better,” noted Pahkala. “But it’s also just an exciting time for football in Europe.”

European Football League

Final round

Championship game:
22.09. Viennese Vikings Rhine Fire 3.30 p.m. *
07.09. Viennese Vikings Parisian Musketeers 47:31
08.09. Stuttgart Surge Rhine Fire 23:29 nV
31.08. Parisian Musketeers Munich Ravens 40:37
01.09. Rhine Fire Madrid Bravos 40:10

* live on ORF Sport +