
topicnews · September 20, 2024

The PS5 Pro is not too expensive

The PS5 Pro is not too expensive

Sony is asking a whopping 799.99 euros for the new PS5 Pro. Clearly too much – or maybe not?

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A comment by Stefan Bubeck

For days now, there has been a lot of discussion about how much technology is in the PS5 Pro, what a comparable PC costs and whether the price is justified. Sorry – but ultimately that’s not really important.

This is not a “basic feature” for the average household

The PS5 Pro is not “too expensive.” Most people are simply not in the target audience. You have to take a few steps back and look at what we are talking about. This is dying newest and most powerful console in the worldWell, at least for now, until something even better comes along. There are basic household items, like a vacuum cleaner, a stove or simply a roof over your head. The PS5 Pro is one of not in this category. This is a Luxury product for leisure activities in the wealthy countries of the world.

PS5 Pro with controller, a light effect in the background.
The PS5 Pro is a luxury item. (© Sony)

This thing floats around in the same dimension as fashionable sneakers, this Hermes Apple Watch or a convertible with lots of horsepower. Certainly “nice to have” – ​​but definitely only for people who absolutely need better graphics and the last thing someone who is currently struggling with money should think about.

In other words: Anyone who has to forego showers and hot meals to scrape together 800 euros should die Remove PS5 Pro from wishlist and reset your priorities.

Sony’s two-class society: The target group has the money

It is obvious that Sony is targeting a specific audience with the PS5 Pro: Hardcore gamers who have the necessary cashThis is not a rational purchase where every euro is counted. What counts is the best possible playback of PS5 games – even if that only means a few more FPS in the end.

Owning a PS5 Pro is like buying a business class plane ticket: an upgrade that doesn’t necessarily offer great value for money. But it does the job.

PS5 Digital Edition (Slim)PS5 Digital Edition (Slim)

PS5 Digital Edition (Slim)

The price may be higher now. Price as of 09/20/2024 9:32 p.m.

Most gamers are better advised with the normal PS5This way you can achieve your goal (“play games”) and still have money left over for more important things in life.

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