
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Man talks to girl in Chemnitz from the car and plays with his penis

Man talks to girl in Chemnitz from the car and plays with his penis

Chemnitz- In Chemnitz There’s an exhibitionist on the loose again!

The police are looking for witnesses who can provide information about the man’s identity. (Symbolic image) © Carsten Rehder/dpa

According to the police, a girl and her teenage companion were approached by a man from a car on Reineckerstrasse yesterday Thursday at around 5.10 p.m.

When the two showed no interest in talking, the stranger in the vehicle exposed his penis and played with it.

The duo immediately followed away and informed the police about the incident.

Chemnitz: 36 vehicles scratched in Chemnitz! Police looking for witnesses
Chemnitz Crime
36 vehicles scratched in Chemnitz! Police seek witnesses

The suspect is described as follows:

  • about 28 years
  • dark hair
  • Dark complexion
  • apparently only one tooth in the upper jaw
  • Wore a grey shirt and blue jeans

Apparently the man was driving a grey car (presumably a VW) with a Hamburg license plate (HH).

The police have begun investigations and are looking for further witnesses to the incident.

Who can provide information about the identity of the man described? Did anyone else notice the man in the area of ​​Reineckerstrasse, near Adelsbergstrasse?

The Chemnitz-Nordost police station accepts information on 0371 387-102.

Recently, men have repeatedly exposed themselves in front of children in Chemnitz. In the district of Schönau, for example, in recent months to several incidents of child molestation near the Schönau primary school and a daycare center.