Readjust the heat pump again without having to go into the basement. This is now possible with the new control box from Tecalor. The heat pump manufacturer announces that its heat pumps can now be controlled with an “Internet Service Gateway” control box via app or browser.

Anyone who connects the Internet Service Gateway to their heat pump and installs the associated Tecalor app can control the system settings from their smartphone. The new control box also makes it possible to use photovoltaic power more efficiently in the heat pump and store it in a hot water tank, for example.

A manufacturer-independent energy management system “EM-Trend” can control the heat pump along the yield curves of the photovoltaic system and according to the weather conditions. This ensures efficiency gains, says the manufacturer.

According to Tecalor, the Internet Service Gateway also represents a compliance option for paragraph 14a. Paragraph 14a states that network operators must agree to the installation of a heat pump. However, systems with an output of more than 4.2 kilowatts must be controllable. In exceptional cases, when the network collapse is imminent, the network operator may then reduce the power consumption of the heat pump. The new gateway can receive the control signals from the network operator and pass them on to the heat pump via EEBUS protocol or relay contacts.

In conjunction with the Internet Service Gateway and the EM-Trend energy manager, power consumption is then optimized so that only a slight reduction in the heat pump’s output is necessary. This is intended to ensure the comfort of the house’s residents.

Another function of the system is the “EM meter”. The system measures the difference between feed-in and grid power at the building’s grid connection point in real time. EM-Trend can evaluate the data and further maximize the power consumption from the photovoltaic system. In addition, EM-Trend can use this setting to estimate standby consumption or the next heating requirement and develop control strategies to save further costs here too.

Finally, Tecalor is extending the product guarantee on its heat pumps from five to seven years. The prerequisite for this is that the customer registers the Internet Service Gateway in Tecalor’s customer service portal and makes it accessible there for remote maintenance by the manufacturer. This means that some maintenance procedures can be carried out without the presence of a technician. A technical inspection of the heat pump must be carried out on site after six years at the latest. Only then will the guarantee period be extended to seven years.

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