
topicnews · August 26, 2024

19 simple things to be more environmentally friendly

19 simple things to be more environmentally friendly


“Trying to reduce food waste as much as possible was my biggest [change]and we win! We make [only] enough to eat, everything else is leftovers/frozen, and [we] only buy what we need.”

“I was ashamed of our wastefulness; we not only went out to eat four to six times a week, but [were] buy enough food to cook for the whole week. We would get lazy [and] In the end I threw away so much food, it was disgusting.

“My husband and I are now more careful about what we buy, prepare and eat and food waste has dropped pretty drastically. Now we feel guilty if we throw away a quarter of an onion, LOL. But seriously… once you get the hang of it, having substitution recipes for everything you buy so you end up with as little waste as possible, or planning a lot for leftovers so every scrap gets used, it becomes so easy and addictive and you end up becoming very creative in the kitchen too.”
