
topicnews · September 20, 2024

How the iPhone launch works in an Apple Store

How the iPhone launch works in an Apple Store

This Friday the Market launch the new iPhone generation Apple is bringing its most important product to market. And you can somehow imagine that this day in Apple stores worldwide is quite stressful becomes.

Again Start day and, above all, how the work behind the scenes of the Apple Stores was carried out in the days before, a former store employee to Business Insider .

According to the report, the former Apple employee worked in several Apple Stores in the US state of Texas and was present on the launch days between 2016 and 2022 contributed.

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Lots of secrecy

He says that the launch of the new iPhone models every year is a very special event for the Apple Store employees. There was something like positive excitement in the air.

Contributed to this were the secrecywith which Apple protects its new products from prying eyes. For example, the new iPhones were always delivered a few days before the market launch and placed in a separate Room layout. This room was only opened the night before launch day.

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Private cell phones were locked away

At around 10 p.m., the store employees gathered to begin preparations for the market launch the next morning. All private electronic devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, computers and tablets were collected and locked away.

From then on, employees were no longer allowed to leave the store or use their mobile phones – at least not without special permit of the superiors. This should ensure that everything as secret as possible Stays, even though everyone knew what was coming, says the former employee.

During the entire night before the market launch, all old iPhones and all other old devices were removed from the Exhibition areas removedThe new iPhones were unpacked, set up and installed on the tables in the store.

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A busy night

Depending on whether chargers, accessories or accessories had to be replaced, this is quite a busy night been. The cabling Below the exhibition tables, reorganization often had to be carried out and in some cases it was necessary to Alarm security to re-tune the devices.

The redesign of the store took the entire night said the former Apple employee. But this night was always special and it was always “super fun,” according to the Business Insider report.

The former employee also noticed that the audience at launch days has changed significantly in recent years. For example, the Queues in front of the stores has become less and less over time.

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The audience has changed

In addition, the people who came to the shops at the market launch were less and less interested in the Innovations interested. Most of the time she would have simply bought the new Apple product without looking at it first.

The rest of the store visitors were people who happened to pass by and looked at the new iPhones At least from the perspective of the former store employee, that was the fall until 2022. That was when he left Apple.