
topicnews · September 20, 2024

The 4 most important private insurance policies for your child / September 20, 2024 – today …

The 4 most important private insurance policies for your child / September 20, 2024 – today …


Wentorf near Hamburg (ots)

On World Children’s Day, the needs and rights of the little ones are the focus. Parents and guardians are particularly asked to help. With these four private insurance policies, you can offer your child additional protection for important life situations.

1. Additional dental insurance – benefits for braces & co.

“Dental health contributes significantly to our well-being,” says Jan Schust, founder and CEO of the online comparison portal, “Additional dental insurance covers part or all of the costs of child-friendly treatments that are not covered by the standard care provided by statutory health insurance companies.”

Depending on the tariff, this includes age-appropriate introduction to dental treatment, improved tooth preservation through fissure sealing, aesthetically pleasing fillings as well as braces and other orthodontic services.

“Statutory health insurance companies do not pay for treatments for less serious jaw and tooth misalignments – and the costs for braces and the like are often enormous,” explains Schust. Comprehensive supplementary dental insurance tariffs, on the other hand, are available from less than 20 euros per month.

According to the comparison portal boss, the insurance is ideally taken out at kindergarten age, because “if orthodontic findings are already available at the time of taking out the insurance, private insurers usually exclude any related benefits.”

2. Liability insurance – financial protection in the event of damage

“Voluntary liability insurance is essential for adults and children alike and is available in the family tariff from well under 100 euros per year,” comments managing director Schust. If you accidentally cause damage to a third party in Germany, you are liable for it with your entire assets without the insurance. The following applies: “Guardians are liable for underage children from the age of seven or ten,” says Schust.

The “children incapable of committing a crime” module makes it possible to insure even very small children at a reasonable price: “Family tariffs are usually aimed at everyone in the household. Depending on the contract, your child will be included until they reach the age of majority or longer.”

3. International health insurance – well protected on holiday

“If you are exploring other countries together, international health insurance for you and your child definitely makes sense,” says Schust, “almost worldwide protection is available from a low double-digit euro amount per year.”

According to Schust, statutory health insurance companies cover various necessary measures within the European Union, but families are on the safe side with international health insurance. In non-EU countries, there is often no health protection at all.

“The portfolio of international health insurance includes, for example, the assumption of costs for many outpatient and inpatient treatments as well as medically necessary medical transport,” explains the head of the online comparison portal, “and in the case of hospital stays, insurers also pay for accommodation and meals for an accompanying person, depending on the tariff.”

4. Term life insurance & Co. – financial protection for your child in an emergency

“Depending on the personal situation, different products are suitable for providing financial security for children in an emergency,” says boss Schust. The options include term life insurance and occupational disability insurance.

Term life insurance is aimed at young families with little financial cushion, among others: “The life of the main earner is often insured – for a precisely defined period of time, around 15 years, and for a certain amount, for example 400,000 euros,” explains Schust. In the event of death, you receive a survivor’s benefit during the term of the contract, which is paid out. If death does not occur, the insured person does not get the premiums back afterwards. Term life insurance is therefore available from well under 100 euros per year, despite high coverage amounts.

“Occupational disability insurance offers people of working age who are unable to work a monthly pension and can protect families from falling into poverty,” explains the boss. The insurance product is complex and costs upwards of a three-digit amount. Schust recommends getting advice before signing the contract and checking the clauses meticulously.

“Of course, there are other pension options, such as fixed-term deposit accounts and private accident insurance for adults and children,” says Schust, “but only you can decide whether and what is suitable.”

Be sure to compare tariffs and prices before signing

“Always compare services and prices before taking out insurance,” advises the boss. The reasons: the most expensive offers are not necessarily the best and not every insurance is universally suitable.

“Online comparison portals like ours show you different options for you and your child quickly, free of charge and without obligation.”


The award-winning TARIFCHECK24 GmbH has been convincing millions of consumers nationwide for more than 20 years. Founded in 2001 by Jan Schust, quickly established itself as one of the first and largest online comparison portals in Germany. The focus is on user-friendliness and quality, transparency, objectivity and the strictest data protection standards. The portfolio now includes free comparison options for insurance, finance, energy, internet and mobile communications.

Press contact:

Kristina Vogt
Head of Public Relations
+49 40 73098288
[email protected]

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