
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Infinigate IT Security Day 2024: Future topics in focus

Infinigate IT Security Day 2024: Future topics in focus

Security distributor Infinigate has once again invited guests to the IT Security Day – this year at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Rüschlikon, somewhere in keeping with the motto “Creating Futures” with the three pillars of sustainability, innovative technologies and new work. Infinigate wanted to discuss these three topics with its channel partners – 14 manufacturers were present with small stands and a total of around 200 guests were on site. The keynotes were also selected to suit these topics.

Eva Elisa Schneider, psychologist, psychotherapist and author, started off by addressing the topic of mental health. She spoke about how digital challenges with constant availability and the flood of information can be better managed and concluded with three tips: Firstly – notifications, pop-ups, sounds; all of these should be turned off so that you can decide for yourself when you are ready for news. Secondly – ​​take conscious breaks, real breaks, without digital distractions such as your smartphone. And thirdly – ​​get more exercise, because exercise helps to calm the nervous system. How relevant the topic is, especially for people who work in the IT channel, was shown by the fact that Eva Elisa Schneider was unable to finish her keynote as planned – but had to go a little overtime because she was bombarded with so many questions from the audience.

The second keynote speech was given by Franziska Paukert, communications officer at the NGO Sea Shepherd Switzerland, who used some exciting examples to show how modern technology can be used efficiently and with tight budgets in the fight to protect the oceans.

The keynotes are then followed by various manufacturer panels, for example on the topic of SASE or AI in connection with cybersecurity, while a pure reseller panel discussed the challenges surrounding the MSSP topic. Franziska Gaitzsch, Channel Marketing Director DACH at Infinigate, explains the concept: “We have long since moved away from pure PowerPoint or even product presentations by individual manufacturers, but we want to stimulate discussion, which is why we rely on panels and discussion panels. I think our guests appreciate that and that is why they come to our IT security day regularly.”

The so-called “official part” concluded with an ethical hacking demonstration by Gobugfree, which impressively demonstrated the methods used by cyber criminals to break into systems, but also the defense methods that exist. At the same time, the BBQ evening started to round off the IT Security Day 2024 in beautiful weather high above Lake Zurich. (mw)