
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Vladimir Putin: Vicious attack on Kamala Harris – bizarre videos about US Democrat published

Vladimir Putin: Vicious attack on Kamala Harris – bizarre videos about US Democrat published

Vladimir Putin apparently tried to deliberately influence the US presidential election. Contrary to what he has publicly claimed, he is not supporting Kamala Harris. According to recent revelations, there is instead a dirty campaign against the Democrat.

  • Fake videos about Kamala Harris published on the Internet
  • False information revealed spread by Kremlin-affiliated trolls
  • Absurd claims about US presidential candidate

At the beginning of September, Vladimir Putin (71) surprised everyone at the economic forum in Vladivostok by saying that he would support Democrat Kamala Harris (59) in the US election campaign. The Kremlin chief had previously been clearly considered a sympathizer of the Republican Donald Trump (78). It is assumed that Putin has only failed. In reality, he will probably prevent Kamala Harris from entering the White House at all costs. This is also confirmed by new revelations from the software giant Microsoft vicinity.

Read also:

Vladimir Putin attacks Kamala Harris with fake videos

Russia Apparently tried to spread his propaganda all over the world. Putin and his allies have long since recognized the power of the Internet. According to a recent report Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) The Kremlin is trying to interfere in the US election campaign and discredit Kamala Harris with the help of fake videos. These clips are published by groups called Storm-1516 and Storm-1679, which are said to be trolls close to the Kremlin.

Russian propaganda against Kamala Harris with bizarre misinformation

The claims about Kamala Harris are absurd. One video shows an alleged attack by a supporter of the Democrat on a participant in a Trump rally. Another video shows a poster allegedly put up in New York City with inaccurate information about Harris’ policies. Even more shocking is the content of another clip, which Microsoft says has already had several million views. In it, a woman describes how she was hit by Kamala Harris as a teenager in 2011 and has been in a wheelchair ever since. The US presidential candidate allegedly committed a hit-and-run in the accident. All of the content is apparently fictitious by Microsoft. To make the videos seem credible, the Internet role is created under other fake news websites. The false information is apparently being shared en masse by Trump supporters.

Kremlin to influence US election campaign, aiming for Donald Trump’s victory?

Microsoft warns that the fake campaign against Kamala Harris will likely continue intensifying in the coming weeks before the US election. “The closer the election gets, the more channels Russian actors can be expected to continue using cyber proxies and hacktivist groups to spread their messages through media websites and social media that are designed to spread divisive political content, staged videos and AI-powered propaganda,” it says. Microsoft has already blocked several email contents in this context. In addition to Russia, China and Iran are also seeking to influence the US election.


  • At the beginning of September, the US government again accused Russia of interfering in the presidential election campaign. The Kremlin denies the allegations.
  • As early as 2016, when Donald Trump won the election for US president, Russia is said to have interfered in the election campaign with the help of disinformation in favor of the Republican.
  • After the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the relationship between Russia and the USA is extremely tense. The current US government, which also includes Vice President Kamala Harris, initiated sanctions against the Kremlin and its allies. Ukraine is also being supported with arms deliveries from America.

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