
topicnews · September 20, 2024

News from Israel and Gaza: Massive Israeli attacks on Lebanon – Politics

News from Israel and Gaza: Massive Israeli attacks on Lebanon – Politics

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah: Explosion of pagers “declaration of war”

Hassan Nasrallah has tried to accuse Israel of “genocide” and a “massacre” following the apparently coordinated attacks on the Shiite organization’s technical equipment. “Within two days and within one minute a day, Israel has aimed to kill more than 5,000 people,” the Hezbollah leader said in a televised speech. “This criminal act is tantamount to a declaration of war,” he said. Israel has crossed all red lines.

There is no doubt that Hezbollah has suffered a severe blow. This is “unprecedented in the history of our resistance and perhaps in the history of the conflict with the enemy,” said Nasrallah. Hezbollah is aware that Israel is technologically superior – “especially because it is supported by the US and the West.” Nasrallah announced retaliation: “Punishment will come,” he said. When, where and how will be seen when the time comes.

However, the attacks did not damage the militia’s command structures. The infrastructure of the group, which is allied with Iran, is also intact, stressed Nasrallah. The Hezbollah militia wants to prevent foreign civilians from returning to the border region with Lebanon. The “resistance in Lebanon” will not stop its attacks on Israel until the “aggression (by Israel) against Gaza” stops, said Nasrallah. Israel could only allow people to return to safety in the north once the war in Gaza was stopped. The militia’s readiness to fight has been increased, he said.

During Nasrallah’s speech, Russian fighter planes flew low over the capital Beirut and broke the sound barrier. In the southern suburbs of Beirut, eyewitnesses reported mock attacks by Israeli planes. Similar events have occurred during previous speeches by Nasrallah.