
topicnews · September 19, 2024

Floury or waxy? Which potatoes are suitable for which dish – Nutrition

Floury or waxy? Which potatoes are suitable for which dish – Nutrition

Regarding their cooking properties, potatoes are generally divided into three categories.

1. Floury potatoes

2. Waxy potatoes

3. Mainly waxy potatoes

Waxy or floury: Which potato is suitable for which dish?

In principle, the categories differ in their starch content. The starch ensures that the potato becomes soft when cooked. Waxy potatoes have a relatively low starch content. They are ideal for dishes that require thin, firm slices. For example, gratin, fried potatoes or potato salad. You need floury potatoes if you want the potato to fall apart. They have the highest starch content and become very soft when cooked. To ensure that soups, mashed potatoes or dumplings turn out perfectly, you should therefore use floury varieties.