
topicnews · September 19, 2024

Why women skip the bra

Why women skip the bra

Whether at fashion shows, film premieres or on the street – the so-called no-bra trend seems to be more popular than ever. In recent years, more and more women have been admitting on the Internet that they occasionally or completely forgo their bra. There also seem to be numerous fans of the topless look in the Ostalb region, as was clearly evident at the Kool Savas concert on the Ellwangen market square in early September.

However, the no-bra trend is much older than many probably assume. As Carmen Venus, the representative for equal opportunities in the Ostalbkreis district office, explained, it has its origins in the 1960s. The background was the “protest against a modeled image of women with corresponding traditional role models,” says Venus.

The no-bra trend apparently started on the catwalk and then spilled over into reality via social media. However, according to the equal opportunities officer, women’s concerns had little to do with models and fashion shows around 60 years ago.

Rebellion against patriarchy

“It was the breaking away from the power of the patriarchy – the emancipation of women.” The power of the patriarchy encompasses many areas of life.” Venus cites pensions as an example. “Today we still do not have equal living conditions for mothers and fathers, for example: When both look at their pension statements at the age of 65, mothers and fathers will find that married men and women without parenthood were able to achieve better pensions,” she says.

One aspect of the emancipation of the 1968s was also “love”. It was about the liberation of “love” and a process of recognition of female sexuality and desire, Venus explains.

Does the bra make breasts sleep?

If you read the reports of women who currently go bra-free, they often cite fashion or even health reasons. According to the fashion magazine “Vogue”, there are various studies that prove that wearing a bra maintains the shape of the breasts but makes them sag, and that not wearing one can reduce pain and discomfort, especially in women with larger breasts.

The magazine concludes that women wear bras “for purely aesthetic and emotional reasons rather than for any scientifically proven benefit.”

Carmen Venus says: “A lot can be written about fashion trends.” I myself have been annoyed by the dictates of fashion since I was young. You can only buy a piece of clothing when it is “in.” The market does not provide anything that is not trendy. The individual can only submit to “conformist fashion consumption.” After all, the market economy is designed for constant renewal and consumption.

Despite all the possible advantages, the braless look also seems to have its downsides. Some women say that men stare at them. “No outfit in the world is an invitation for stares, sexist comments, unwanted touching,” says Carmen Venus. Society, especially the media, should not objectify nudity, for example in advertising. “As a society, we have a responsibility to deal with sexuality and boundaries in an enlightened way.” Every generation needs to be educated and made aware of this.”

And further: Myths, perfectionism and old wives’ tales must be counteracted. Education must be provided through education appropriate to the respective developmental age. Fortunately, this is still a state mandate in Germany, says Venus. “In Poland, the educational curricula in schools with sex education classes were massively restricted in 2021, along with the right to an abortion.” Sexuality and desire are very personal among adults. But even these have limits, namely when it comes to violence in all forms.