
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Justin Winter is looking for love on “First Dates”

Justin Winter is looking for love on “First Dates”

After several disappointments, Ganderkesee pop singer Justin Winter is taking a new approach to finding a partner. He is now looking for his dream man on the Vox dating show “First Dates”.

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Ganderkesee – It’s been a little over a year since the Ganderkesee pop singer Justin Winter made his homosexuality public. Since then, says the 31-year-old, he has experienced some disappointments in terms of relationships. In this context, he quoted Marianne Rosenberg, who sang in the year after his birth “Love can hurt so much, but it also gives a lot – living without love, no, I could never do that.”

In his search for his true love, Winter is now breaking new ground: he hopes to find the right partner through the TV dating show “First Dates – A Table for Two”. The show is already in the can and is set to be broadcast on the Vox channel this Monday, September 23rd, at 6 p.m. Of course, the man from Ganderkesee is not allowed to reveal in advance whether he has found his dream man. He only says this much about the date in the TV studio: “It was an amazing experience!”

Without a big board

Justin Winter had already applied to take part in “First Dates” in January and shortly afterwards filled out a comprehensive questionnaire that the maker of the Vox show used to find a “match”, i.e. a suitable partner. “Then it was a matter of waiting,” Winter recalled. At the end of April he received the response that a match had been found. He went to the recording in Cologne-Ehrenfeld without any great expectations. “Just having a blind date is cool – and in front of cameras too.”

In the show, Winter does not appear under his stage name, by which he is known as a musician, but under his real first name, Kevin. “A date is already very private…” says the 31-year-old.

“Ganderkesee” confused hosts

In the welcome speech by presenter Roland Trettl, also known as a TV chef, the place name Ganderkesee played a role again – as it did recently in the podcast “Baywatch Berlin”. Trettl, who comes from South Tyrol, has to pronounce “Ganderkesee” over and over again, says Winter. He in turn gave the host a little pronunciation aid: a bottle of peppermint liqueur called “Ganderkeseer Brise”.

<p> Received a high-proof “Ganderkeseer Brise” from Justin Winter: “First Dates” host Roland Trettl. (Image: RTL/Stefan Greogorowius) </p>
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Received a high-proof “Ganderkeseer Brise” from Justin Winter: “First Dates” host Roland Trettl. (Image: RTL/Stefan Greogorowius)

The singer finally waited for his date at the bar. “It was important to me that I was the first to arrive,” says Winter. Unlike what will be shown later in the show, however, the two then went to the photo booth first – probably for organizational reasons – before being led to their table for dinner. “That was a bit strange, the ice hadn’t been broken yet,” Winter recalls. Apart from that, the date went as you would expect from television. “There’s nothing scripted or anything like that.” The “First Dates” team was also totally relaxed and friendly. “They put you at ease.”

Nervous despite TV experience

When asked whether he was nervous during the recording, Winter, who has already performed as a singer on “Immer wieder sonntags” on ARD and in other TV formats, replied: “Totally!” He was particularly nervous knowing that the show would be broadcast later. “Who can say that they have dated on TV?”

Justin Winter’s singing career was also a topic in the show. “I sang my song ‘Love is Love’,” he revealed. His dating partner, meanwhile, was only partially impressed by his love of pop music: “When I told him that, his eyebrows went up.”

Meanwhile, anyone who is more into the genre and appreciates Justin Winter’s music can look forward to Monday twice: When the “First Dates” episode with the Ganderkeseer is broadcast on Vox, his new title “Polaroid” will also be released on all relevant streaming portals.

Caroline Schulz