
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Can and should you mow wet grass? Experts give tips

Can and should you mow wet grass? Experts give tips

A well-maintained lawn needs to be mowed regularly. Rainy days can be an obstacle: a wet lawn is harder to mow than a dry one. We have put together some tips from the professionals.

Longer Rainy periods Let the lawn in your garden grow at a rapid pace. But even when there is a lot of rainfall, the green should be trimmed from time to time. This is especially true in Autumnin which it is important not to miss the ideal time for the last lawn cut. Is that Mowing wet grass also a good idea? Here you can find out what you need to consider so that your lawn looks well-maintained in any weather.

fundamentally cutting wet grass possible, but you should pay attention to a few things. This is the conclusion reached by the experts Harald Nonn, Chairman of the German Lawn Society, and Martin Degenbeck from the Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture (LWG), who were published by the magazine Eco-Test were surveyed on this topic.

What should you consider when mowing wet grass?

It is best to start mowing after the rainHowever, you should not start right away. Wait until the Soil slightly dried out To avoid damage, you should die Cut the grass stalks carefully with a lawnmower and dispense with mulching. Because the clippings that remain on the surface during mulching can develop into a glittering filmThis prevents the floor from being aerated, which encourages the formation of mould. There is also a risk that the Grass lying beneath the layer begins to rot.

You should mow wet lawns with mow a higher setting. If you cut it too short, the grass will also more susceptible to diseases or pestsTypical signs can be spots or mold. Infestation by the meadow snake (Tipula paludosa) or the garden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) is often observed.

A Grass collector on the lawn mower makes work easier because the waste is thoroughly removed during the cutting process. You may need to empty the container because the Wet mass has a higher weight. Avoid walking on the lawn before mowing, er not to break off the stalksbecause the mower usually only catches upright stalks. If an area is still pressed, you can carefully raise the grass with a rake. I have Puddles formed on the propertyyou should wait until the water has drained away. Martin Degenbeck advises Eco-Test Avoid mowing the lawn despite water accumulation, as this can lead to unsightly lanes and possible compaction come.

How can you make your job easier when mowing wet grass?

Pay attention to your safety when gardening. This is especially true when using dangerous garden tools. Because wet grass sticks to the mower, you should Check knives regularly and clean if necessary. Before cleaning, you must switch off the lawn mower. Wear sturdy gloves to prevent injuries. Note that the Mowing wet grass is much more strenuous is.

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The risk of accidents increases because The moisture can make the floor slippery Basically, you should get into the habit of Clean the lawnmower thoroughly after each cutting operationThis prevents plant residue from drying out and sticking to the device.

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If you attach great importance to a flawless lawn, you have no choice but wait for a dry period. Wet grass is less raised by the rotating blade than when it is dry. This is why in wet weather an uneven result can hardly be avoidedHarald Nonn has Eco-Test still reveal a professional tip: You can mow the lawn with another person using a garden hose or a similar device. This activity frees a large part of the lawn from annoying waterFor small areas, you can use a broom. This method is widely used in the professional sector. It also makes your work easier because the entire area is drier.

By the way, more and more people the lawn in spring – and this also makes sense in autumn. The trend is due to the fact that more and more gardening enthusiasts are taking part in the so-called “Mow-Free May”. This campaign has its Origin surprisingly in Great BritainAfter all, in this country, a neatly cut lawn dominates the many optical gardens. The “No Mow May” is enjoying increasing popularity, because the absence of mowing during this period is intended to help the extinction of species is curbed Finally, in an extremely short lawn, flowering plants cannot spread, which are necessary for Many insects are an important source of food The local bird population also suffers because in addition to the food Safe nesting opportunities are lacking. Long stalks are also an important habitat for many animals, because ground beetles and other predators can catch spiders and other prey under the protection of the tall grass. You can also enjoy the sight of a colorful meadow. There are also numerous wild herbs growing in the area, which also bloom and which you can even eat.

Wet lawns can be mowed – there are just a few things to consider

If it rains frequently, due to the poor conditions Don’t forget your usual lawn trimming. you should Make some preparations and do the work carefullyso that your lawn is not damaged and a carpet-like surface developed. To To support natureyou can always between spring and autumn leave out part of the lawn.

Before winter sets in, you should mow the lawn one last time. We will tell you the optimal time. Now is the right time, um Planting and trimming hedgesExperts recommend taking special precautions when temperatures drop. Autumn also includes the Preparing the garden for winter. Some plants should be planted between September and November so that they can take root over the winter. When the days get shorter, they should definitely be killed Graves winterproof With appropriate grave planting, they also look beautiful in autumn and winter. An episode of our podcast ‘Experience Franconia’ dealt with which Gardens in Franconia worth seeing We also have a few tips for your home garden. A study shows that popular brands of garden products on Amazon. Highlights are Gardena, Kärcher and Neudorff.

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