
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Start date revealed? These details are already known

Start date revealed? These details are already known

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The fourth season of 7 vs. Wild is just around the corner! The candidates and the location are already known, but the start date is still unknown. Here are all the rumors.

New Zealand – The fourth season of 7 vs. Wild is finally set to start in autumn 2024. In recent days, the team behind the project has been releasing more and more information about this year’s mode and the participants. However, the exact start date was not revealed. There are now numerous rumors surrounding this. Here are all the details that are known about the start of 7 vs. Wild Season 4.

7 vs. Wild Season 4: Start date still unknown – candidate gives first insight

This was already officially said at the start of season 4: The season was filmed in the spring of this year. The team also said that season 4 will be broadcast in the fall of 2024. But that’s basically it for official information about the start. Even more rumors and theories surround the start date.

This was now revealed by a candidate: Joey Kelly, one of the participants in season 4 of 7 vs. Wild, has already given us some inside information. In an Instagram story, he revealed that there would be a preview show with all the participants next week. The first episode of season 4 would be broadcast there. Some fans can win exclusive tickets to this show.

This doesn’t mean that the entire season will start next week, but the first episode is already in the can and ready to be broadcast. In addition, such a preview is unlikely to take place many weeks before the start. Fans suspect that there could be only a few weeks left until the start of the season.

7 vs. Wild Season 4: New Zealand is so tough © Fritz Meinecke ; CaliVision; IMAGO /Ritzau Scanpix

7 vs. Wild Season 4: All rumors about the launch at a glance

These are the rumors: There are no solid arguments for the following theories. However, some fans have taken a close look at the last seasons of 7 vs. Wild and noticed some similarities. So far, there has always been at least one trailer before the start. This trailer is not available yet.

In season 3, there were about 3 weeks between the trailer and the first episode. In previous years, it was at least a week. That would also mean that a trailer would have to be released first. Fans are expecting a trailer at the end of September. That would also mean that 7 vs Wild season 4 could start in early October. A realistic time frame would be the first week of October.

However, if you look at the last seasons, it starts much later. Season 3 started on October 31st. Season 2 even started on November 5th. It could well be that season 4 won’t start until the end of October either. In any case, it’s likely that we’ll find out an exact start date in the next few weeks.

These rumors are also likely to coincide with the statements of Julia Beautx, who has already narrowed down the start date: Participant lets the cat out of the bag – start date of “7 vs. Wild” season 4 revealed