
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Positions of the National Council candidates from the Ried district on climate protection

Positions of the National Council candidates from the Ried district on climate protection

RIED DISTRICT. Seven of the eleven parties standing for election in regional constituency 4B (Innviertel) have only put one candidate from the Ried district on their regional list – with varying chances of getting into the National Council. Tips asked the top-ranked candidates (and one female candidate) from the district about their positions and plans on climate protection, migration, economy/jobs and education. Here are their answers on the topic of climate protection.

Product:Extreme weather events such as heavy rain, storms or heat waves will also occur in the Innviertel, and climate targets seem almost impossible to achieve. How will you reverse this development or at least slow it down before climate change reaches irreversible tipping points?

Manfred Hofinger, ÖVP, constituency list position 3

Our farmers are already actively protecting the climate every day through their valuable work. Agriculture has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 16 percent since 1990. In order to achieve these successes in the transport and industrial sectors, we need above all technological openness and support and incentive systems for the expansion of renewable energies. Our motto is: We protect what we value. Climate protection with common sense.

Sebastian Forstner, SPÖ, constituency list position 2

The fight against profit-driven global warming is a top priority. It is about our livelihoods and those of our children and grandchildren. We must pull out all the stops. In addition to a strong state industrial policy that drives the green transition and more renewable energy, we want a massive expansion of public transport. In addition, the major climate offenders must finally be targeted.

Georg Gadermayr FPÖ, constituency list position 2

Climate change and its effects are also noticeable in the Innviertel. Sustainability in everyday life must not be in conflict with the economy, but ideological wanderings that endanger prosperity must be avoided. Politics should set goals, but give the economy the scope to find technologically open solutions. Regionally, appropriate protective measures (floods, water supply, etc.) will be taken to prepare for this.

Brigitte Huber-Reiter, Green Party, constituency list position 2

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge. This dry, hot summer shows that it has long since affected Upper Austria. We need a rapid energy transition and effective soil protection. There are many valuable meadows and fields in the Innviertel in particular: the concrete covering of these must finally stop. In order to achieve the mobility transition, we need to further expand public transport, especially in rural areas. Effective climate protection is only possible with the Greens.

Karl Mayr, NEOS, constituency list position 2

Climate change is obvious and clearly noticeable, which is why we are calling for the expansion of renewable energies and sustainable mobility concepts. A result-neutral CO2 tax should promote climate-friendly innovations and accelerate the move to clean energy, while at the same time we must curb land consumption. Through these approaches, we want to secure the quality of life in the long term and achieve the climate goals.

Joachim Aigner, MFG, constituency list position 1

We criticize the CO2 narrative: CO2 in the atmosphere is essential for life. The alleged climate catastrophe caused by CO2 cannot be proven. The EU Green Deal with this goal is not technically feasible and is based on the false assumption of a CO2-related climate catastrophe. We stand for safe energy and nature conservation instead of climate madness and demand a sensible and balanced mix of renewable and fossil energies.

Andreas Auzinger, KPÖ, constituency list position 1

The ecological transition cannot be left to the free market; it requires a public initiative, such as municipally owned energy cooperatives. There is also a need for easier access to public transport, which should be free in the long term. Food waste in retail must be combated more vigorously; food that is produced but not consumed wastes resources and energy.