
topicnews · September 16, 2024

Efficient energy management for your home – With tado° X

Efficient energy management for your home – With tado° X

The starter kits provide the basis for your energy-efficient home and are designed to meet the diverse requirements of different heating systems.

The following starter kits are available from tado° X:

  • Starter Set Smart Radiator Thermostat X for radiators for 159,99 euros
  • Starter Kit Smart Thermostat X for boilers or underfloor heating for 199.99 euros
  • Starter Kit Smart Thermostat X Multi-Room for radiators and room thermostats 349.99 euros

You only need one starter kit per home. If you want to add more rooms or zones or control your system even more intelligently, there are suitable extensions. With the smart Radiator Thermostat X (Quattro Pack) You can control four additional radiators at once. With the Wireless temperature sensor X You can control several radiators in a room even more conveniently with one device. Heat pump optimizer X Control the temperature and schedules (compatible with air-water, water-water and brine-water heat pumps). Using these components you can easily expand your network.

Note if you have previously used the old tado° V3+ products: The tado° V3+ products will continue to be offered and existing customers can still expand their set-up. However, V3+ products are not compatible with X products.