
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Meidling: “StoP – Neighbourhoods without partner violence” invites you to an information meeting

Meidling: “StoP – Neighbourhoods without partner violence” invites you to an information meeting

Meidling is a partner of “StoP – Neighborhoods without Partner Violence.” The first events will start in the district after the summer.

VIENNA/MEIDLING. The “StoP Partner Violence” campaign has been running in Meidling for three years. It draws the attention of Meidling residents to abuse, particularly in the family. This includes reporting if you suspect violence in the family. According to Statistics Austria, almost 35 percent of the female population in Austria are affected by physical or sexual violence.

In the second year, regular events will be planned to explain how best to react to violence. The next workshops on this topic will start again after the summer. After the summer break, when everyday life returns, the risk of becoming a victim of violence in the family is particularly high.

Day of Civil Courage on 19 September

On Thursday, 19 September, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Day of Civil Courage Celebrated. The event will discuss how to behave towards violent people. On the same day, the Meidling women’s club will be hosting a meeting from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Fockygasse 10 under the motto “Heroines Screen Printing”.

On Thursday, September 26th, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Leny Meyer and Niamh Molloy from “StoP Partnergewalt Meilding” invite you to Unter-Meidlinger-Straße 93 to exchange experiences. The courses offered are free of charge and no registration is required.

Help for women and girls affected by violence

24-hour women’s emergency hotline: 01/12 345

24-hour women’s emergency hotline of the Vienna women’s shelters: 05 77 22
Women’s helpline: 0800/222 555 If there is a threat of acute violence, Police emergency number on 133 or 112. Deaf and hearing-impaired people can call for help by sending an SMS to 0800/133 133.

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