
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Flood 2024 in Schärding: Inn level falls for the time being, situation remains under observation

Flood 2024 in Schärding: Inn level falls for the time being, situation remains under observation

During the night hours of September 14-15, 2024, the Inn flood in Schärding reached its highest level at just under six meters. The Inn river is currently still flooded, but the water level is falling. Since further rainfall is forecast from Sunday afternoon, the situation will continue to be monitored.

SCHÄRDING. Since Friday afternoon, the Schärding fire brigade has been working together with the Schärding construction yard on flood operations. Since then, the operations control centre in the fire station has been manned, coordinating what needs to be done and is in constant contact with the hydrographic service. Flood protection has been set up and residents in the affected areas have been informed.

The State Councillor for Fire Services and Civil Protection, Michael Langer-Weninger, also paid a visit to Schärding to get an idea of ​​the situation for herself.

Inn level drops, but more rain forecast

By around midnight the Inn had risen to just under six metres. After that the water level slowly began to fall again. Currently (September 15, 8:15 a.m.) it is at 573 centimetres and is continuing to fall. The Inn river banks are still flooded.

Photo: MyDistrict

Since further rainfall is forecast in the catchment area from Sunday afternoon, the situation is being monitored further. “It is currently difficult to predict how heavy the rainfall will be and how the snow line will behave. However, we are constantly monitoring the situation and are in good contact with the hydrographic service,” said fire chief Markus Furtner. The control center in the Schärding fire station will remain open until Sunday morning and can be reached by calling 07712/3279. The building yard and the team from the volunteer fire department of the town of Schärding will also remain on standby.

Water level continues to rise – now snow water is also coming

30 fire brigade operations due to rainfall in the Schärding district