
topicnews · September 14, 2024

EU ban: These garden plants are now taboo

EU ban: These garden plants are now taboo

In addition to the plant species that are prohibited according to the Union list, there may also be further restrictions for allotment gardeners that are in force in the respective Allotment garden regulations of the federal states. Every garden club must comply with these regulations and enforce them among its members.

The Saxony Association of Allotment Gardeners has even compiled its own PDF on prohibited plants. In addition to the invasive species, too strong growing plants How

  • Bamboo plants
  • Chinese silver grass
  • Common clematis
  • Perennial and climbing knotweed
  • Canadian and giant goldenrod

prohibited. There are also a number of disease-transmitting plantswhich transmit fire blight, pear rust or currant columnar rust. Ragweed, better known as ragweed, is also strictly prohibited as it is a strong allergen.

If you are unsure, take a look at your state allotment garden regulations or ask your garden committee for advice.