
topicnews · September 14, 2024

Demonstrations – Christopher Street Day in Wismar: Protests by right-wing groups – Politics

Demonstrations – Christopher Street Day in Wismar: Protests by right-wing groups – Politics

Wismar (dpa/mv) – Accompanied by protests from right-wing groups, the first Christopher Street Day (CSD) has begun in Wismar. According to police, around 700 to 1,000 brightly dressed people gathered on the market square. After the opening, they wanted to march around the old town. According to police, they will also pass by the Lindengarten, where around 150 counter-demonstrators from the right-wing camp, mostly dressed in dark clothing, have gathered. The police are on site with a large contingent.

There had been isolated riots at the station earlier, when right-wing and left-wing demonstrators arrived at the same time. From the left-wing camp, shouts of “Nazi pigs” were repeatedly heard in the direction of the right-wing groups. The police then separated the two camps, said the spokeswoman.

Social Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) also took part in the CSD rally. She said of the disruptive actions of right-wing alliances: “As a state government, we will not accept that people are discriminated against and threatened because of their sexual identity or sexual orientation. We will therefore continue to work for an open society with courage and assertiveness.”

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