
topicnews · September 14, 2024

Susanne Daubner announces it during the “Tagesschau”

Susanne Daubner announces it during the “Tagesschau”

The “Tagesschau” is the flagship of German news programs; the 15-minute 8 p.m. edition alone is an integral part of the evening routine for many TV viewers.

However, on Sunday evening (September 8th) there was a special reason to celebrate: ARD presenter Susanne Daubner, who has been the face of the show since January 1999, proudly announced edition number 25,000 of the “Tagesschau”! A milestone that impressed even long-time viewers. Did this small anniversary also bring with it a record number of viewers?

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At the same time, the new season of “Who’s Stealing My Show?” premieres on ProSieben. Thanks to little competition, the opening episode achieved a strong market share of 21.0 percent with an average of 970,000 viewers between the ages of 14 and 49, according to “DWDL”. Despite this, the “Tagesschau” remained the undisputed leader among young viewers on Sunday.

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The show reached a total of 5.93 million viewers, putting it at the top of the German television evening. Closely followed by “Tatort”, which continues to be a loyal audience magnet. Sat.1 was also pleased: the film “Independence Day: Resurgence” attracted 1.68 million viewers to its screens and achieved a respectable market share of 9.6 percent in the target group.

Sat.1 also had reason to celebrate! The film “Independence Day: Resurgence” attracted 1.68 million viewers and achieved a respectable market share of 9.6 percent in the target group. The new season of “Grill den Henssler” on Vox was less successful, reaching 1.14 million people, but losing out to “Wer stehlt mir die Show?” with only a 6.0 percent market share in the target group.