
topicnews · September 13, 2024

State launches three innovations in schools

State launches three innovations in schools

  1. ruhr24
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia
NRW is launching the “SystEx” project in schools. © dts Nachrichtenagentur/Imago; Funke Foto Services/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

After the terrorist attack, a new project was launched in schools in North Rhine-Westphalia. Strengthening democracy and Middle East conflicts will be part of the curriculum.

Dortmund – Three weeks after the terrorist attack in Solingen, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has decided on measures for schools. In future, students will be given more information about extremism, Islam and Islamism. The measures are aimed at strengthening democratic skills and preventing radicalization. There are three important changes in total.

After attack in Solingen: State launches three innovations in schools

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is reacting to the attack in Solingen with a security package, stricter deportation regulations and an expansion of police powers. However, these will not be the only measures. Changes are also coming to schools. In the future, students and teachers will receive more information. Prevention is the goal here.

Background: On August 23, a man killed three people and injured eight others at a city festival in Solingen. The suspected perpetrator, a 26-year-old Syrian, is currently in custody. The terrorist group “Islamic State” (IS) has claimed responsibility for the attack. Although the perpetrator was supposed to have been deported last year, his attempt failed.

NRW starts “SystEx” project in schools: This is what changes for students

In order to prevent such acts in the future, the “SystEx” (Systemic Extremism Prevention) project is to be introduced in schools. As part of this project, students are educated about extremism. The aim is for students to internalize democratic values.

“Measures to strengthen students’ democratic skills should be intensified,” explained the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. “If students learn about democratic values, internalize them and live them in their everyday lives, this offers good protection against the radicalization of authoritarian ideologies.”

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NRW school reform after attack in Solingen: Parents should have a say

Parents will also be involved. Their “participation and co-determination in the school system” will be strengthened. Teachers will also be trained to support school psychologists in preventing radicalization and violence. This will enable schools to respond more quickly and better to radicalization tendencies in the future.

Overall, students, parents and teachers will feel the effects of the changes at NRW schools in the future. While dozens of measures across the country are aimed at direct action, the schools are particularly focused on prevention and education (read more about schools in NRW at RUHR24).

NRW students should learn more about Islam: Middle East conflicts in the classroom

The third innovation also affects students and lessons. Topics such as the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 will be dealt with more intensively. In addition, “safe spaces for exchange” will be created in order to openly discuss such topics.

In addition, teachers receive workshops to understand the difference between Islam and Islamism and to address Islamophobia. The focus is on educational intervention measures and prevention.