
topicnews · September 13, 2024

“I will never be a Dominic Thiem”

“I will never be a Dominic Thiem”

How are you doing at the Davis Cup?
It’s a great feeling to be on a team with the best players in the country, even if two stars, Sebastian Ofner and Dominic Thiem, are missing.

You’re also playing here at the Challenger next week. What are your expectations?
I just want to play at a good level and offer a good level. That is my goal. Recently things haven’t been going so well, but I know what I can improve.

You already won a Challenger in the spring. Did you expect this?
I knew I could beat any of these players. I just didn’t know I could maintain this level throughout an entire tournament. The final in particular was really tough.

Dominic Thiem announced his retirement today. You are now in a role where a lot is expected of you. Do you feel any pressure?
I’m going my own way. I won’t be a Dominic Thiem. Just as Thiem wasn’t a Thomas Muster. We are our own personalities. But there is certainly a certain amount of pressure, especially when Dominic announced his retirement. And with Sebastian Ofner we currently only have one top 100 player. Even though we have other good people.

What are your goals in the ranking?
To get into the top 300 this year, ultimately I won’t be in the top 200, but in the top 50. Next year I should at least qualify for the French Open.

What does Joel Schwärzler do when he is not playing tennis?
I started skiing three years ago. It’s too dangerous. I play golf, where you can hurt yourself less, and I also play a bit of football. Above all, I like meeting up with friends.