
topicnews · September 13, 2024

A new skyscraper is planned for Ulm-Wiblingen

A new skyscraper is planned for Ulm-Wiblingen

The Ulm district of Wiblingen is to receive a new “district entrance”. A six-group daycare center with a children’s and family center is to be built at the intersection of Wiblinger Ring and the corner of Reutlinger Straße. A 14-story residential high-rise is planned for the upper floors to create urgently needed living space.

An expert review process was launched for the new building, in which ten architectural firms from Ulm, Neu-Ulm, Göppingen, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Vienna took part. After “intensive discussions”, as stated in a statement by the municipal housing company UWS, the jury decided on the design by the architectural firm ISIN Architekten from Aalen/Stuttgart.

The planned residential high-rise will have 65 apartments and two clusters for communal living. The day-care center and the children’s and family center are planned for the ground floor and upper floors. In particular, the jury felt that the requirements of urban development and architecture, housing issues and the integration of the day-care center were best taken into account by this design.

Ulm’s building mayor praises the new skyscraper

According to UWS, the chairman of the jury, building mayor Tim von Winning, praised the urban planning accent of the design, which will characterize the entrance to the Wiblingen district. After intensive discussions among local residents, the local council decided in advance to limit the number of floors to 14 and the proportion of subsidized apartments to 30 percent.

UWS Managing Director Frank Pinsler stresses that this proportion of subsidized apartments can make an important contribution to affordable housing in the district. UWS has in mind tenant groups who have difficulty finding housing on the general housing market. In order to ensure a balanced social structure, the other apartments will be available to the general rental housing market at affordable rents. Parking will be organized in a parking garage on the opposite side of the street.

After completion of the development plan procedure and granting of the building permit, construction is scheduled to begin in 2026. The apartments will be rented exclusively by UWS. (AZ)