
topicnews · September 13, 2024

Tennis – Tennis spectacle! Record number of participants at the Gänserndorf Open

Tennis – Tennis spectacle! Record number of participants at the Gänserndorf Open

Had fun in Gänserndorf. Some of the participants of the Gänserndorf Open.


SMore players than ever took part in the high-class amateur tournament in the district capital. The big winner was an old acquaintance.

With a record number of 198 entries, the Gänserndorf Open took place at the end of summer this year, for the fifth time. In very high temperatures, there were top performances to marvel at, tournament director Florian Böhm was pleased with the large turnout and had a total of seven competitions to handle.

Markus Brezovsky, the defending champion from last year, was again successful this year in the mixed singles 1.0, the highest-class competition. He won the final against Florian Rabl. Tamara Obermaier won the women’s event, with Katharina Lutzky coming in second.

The other winners: Marcus Wagner (mixed singles 5.0), Christoph Herka (mixed singles 7.0), Christoph Billan (mixed singles 9.0), Michael Rottensteiner/Konstantin Weiland (doubles 9.0) and Jana Schaller/Jonas Raszkiewicz (doubles 15.0).