
topicnews · September 13, 2024

Ukraine: The “peace” of AfD and BSW would be a false peace

Ukraine: The “peace” of AfD and BSW would be a false peace

Fueled by the AfD and Sahras Wagenknecht, the feeling is breaking through, especially in the east of the country, that there must finally be peace between Russia and Ukraine. Peace! Who doesn’t want it? But the reasons that frivolously demand it forget how offensive this wish can be. Imagine: your neighbor breaks into your house, shoots your son, rapes your wife and takes possession of the first floor.

An observer witnesses this bloodlust and watches the goings-on until he suggests that you and the perpetrator come to an agreement and sign a contract that the intruder can keep a third of the rooms for the sake of peace. Is that peace?

Levi Eshkol, Israel’s Prime Minister during the Six-Day War, put it succinctly: “There is only one thing in the world worse than the use of violence, and that is surrender to violence.”

And there is something else to consider: if the creation of peace – peace conceived as the mere prevention of war – is the primary goal of a state or group of states, then the fate of the peace order always depends on the most ruthless member of this community. In this case, Russia would be in the driving seat. Do we want that? Does that correspond to our concept of humanity?

At some point there will be a ceasefire. And this silence of the tanks and missiles will be based on a compromise. In order to make this compromise acceptable to both sides, it must hurt both sides and the Ukrainians must agree to it voluntarily. Anything else would be a Carthage peace. At the expense of Kiev.