
topicnews · September 13, 2024

All inhibitions have fallen on RTL dating show – candidate rants: “I’m disgusted”

All inhibitions have fallen on RTL dating show – candidate rants: “I’m disgusted”

“Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love” candidate Laura Morante found the mood in double episode 8 of the RTL+ format to be “a little too quiet”. And yes, it was time for a new fuss! This came in the form of two parties, where most of the couples celebrated separately – stress guaranteed!

When a dating format runs out of singles, you break up the couples again – that’s apparently what RTL+ thought when they made part of the “Are You The One? Reality Stars in Love” cast available Beach party invited. The other remained in the AYTO villa and was also provided with party equipment. And then things and urges were left to take their course…

Before that, however, another “Matchbox” decision had to be made: Were Lukas Baltruschat (30) and Jenny Iglesias (25) the third “Perfect Match” to be revealed, as hoped? And what did it mean that the screen suddenly went black? Well, after a few Moments of shock appeared presenter Sophia Thomalla (34) on the “Matchbox” screen and made a “sales offer” for the first time in German AYTO history, not to the group, but to the couple themselves.

Lukas Baltruschat and Jenny Iglesias are not a “perfect match”

Would you for 50,000 eurowhich would go into the group jackpot, would they not have decided to give up the solution? If they had not – and to their great disappointment found out: “No Match” – the psychologists of the show had no Dream couple seen!

Shock for both of them, shock for the group and “betrayal” in the eyes of Laura Lettgen (28) and Nadja Großmann (24), who could not understand why the two had not “sold” the decision. After all, Jenny had once been the first to call for the melting of the now only 110,000 euro Heavy potential group gains were made when they made a decision for 20,000 euro into your own Bag had “sold”.

To recover from the shock – or not – everyone was allowed to attend two parties the next day at the above-mentioned entrances: Beach fun was available for Jenny, Tim Kühnel (27), Dana Feist (28), Marc Robin Wenz (29), Gabby Alves-Rodrigues (23) and Nikoly Glumac (28), the rest got nurse costumes and were allowed to relax in the villa of a Theme party surrender.

Vague loyalty agreements – but “little Lars” doesn’t play along

Jenny and Lukas as well as Gabby and Lars Maucher (27) met beforehand Agreementshow far the other person can go in terms of making out, whereby the Choice of words There was room for interpretation, because somehow everyone was allowed to have “fun”, but please not too wild and too intense and too intimate, and Lars should be in the Lumbar region Please don’t be harsh and all that. You could already tell that this was going to be difficult.

Ultimately, there was kissing in new constellations at both parties, with Jenny noting on the beach that Marc-Robin, who is normally involved with Asena Neuhoff (27), was a “top-class kisser”. According to Lukas’ assessment (and the TV pictures), however, things were “more extreme” in the villa, where a Party game last inhibitions fell.

As previously announced, Lars kissed and fondled all the women present, which Nadja, who was crawling around on him, and the woman next door with Kaan The cuddly Linda Voilet (23) did not want to leave his “little Lars” cold. And Lukas? He kissed Linda, who Jenny had once put on the “blacklist” for him, so hard that it was clear: There is no way around it for a Party game a little too much fire in the air.

“So many women’s hearts are broken today”

When they met again, Gabby learned from Lars that he had been “excited” during his escapades, but had “no hard-on,” to which she reacted “not angry, but disgusted.” Jenny, however, initially forgave Lukas for his kisses until Sophia Thomalla showed her a video of the hot scene with Linda in “Matching Night” No. 7 and Jenny was aware of Gabby’s feelings and Choice of words joined.

Also between Tabitha of Tara (31) and Kaan Aktas (27) was in a tense mood, as he had been completely unashamedly fooling around with the other ladies in front of her, because she had given him a Free pass Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant that way: They hoped he would voluntarily give it up. Well, nun. “So many women’s hearts have been broken today,” Laura Morante (33) whose Niko surprisingly remained brave. In the end, they partly reconciled and sometimes not. Perspectives You’ve long since given up in front of the screen anyway.

It was almost relaxing to watch Lukas and Tara as well as Tim and Linda riding banana boats – the two couples had the obligatory Challenge and thus won this away date. One of the Duos Those who remained in the villa went into the “Matchbox” at the end and it was clear to regular fans: Tim and Linda, of course! We will (hopefully!) find out next week whether they are actually a “Perfect Match” as we suspected from the start…