
topicnews · September 12, 2024

Close race between SPD and AfD

Close race between SPD and AfD

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In Brandenburg, a close race between the AfD and the SPD is imminent. The Prime Minister has already announced consequences in the event of an AfD victory.

Potsdam – In the state elections in Brandenburg, AfD and SPD are almost neck and neck with voters. That is at least what a survey by Infratest dimap on behalf of the ARD According to the survey, the SPD is at a total of 26 percent – ​​and thus only one percentage point behind the partially right-wing extremist AfD with a total of 27 percent.

SPD gains ground in Brandenburg state election poll – AfD remains in first place

The Social Democrats suffered losses in the last state elections in Saxony and Thuringia. In Saxony, the SPD only received 6.2 percent. In Thuringia, the result was only slightly better at 7.8 percent – in Brandenburg, however, the party even recorded an increase.

Compared to the last “Brandenburg Trend” of the ARD and Infratest dimap three weeks ago, the SPD under Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke was able to record an increase in votes of 3 percent. The AfD, on the other hand, remained at the same level.

The SPD’s top candidate, Dietmar Woidke (l.), has announced his resignation in the event of an AfD victory. © Fabian Sommer/Monika Skolimowska/dpa (montage)

The CDU, on the other hand, only received 16 percent and lost two percentage points. The Greens and BVB/Free Voters, each with 4.5 percent, have to worry about entering the state parliament. The situation is similar for the Left, which only received four percent of the vote in the survey. Similar to the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, the newly founded Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance made a meteoric rise, achieving 13 percent straight away.

Woidke will resign in AfD victory – despite high support in the state elections in Brandenburg

According to the survey, 56 percent think Woidke is a good prime minister. In a direct election, 50 percent of all respondents would vote for him – even every second CDU voter said they would support the SPD politician. Only nine percent would vote for the top candidates of the CDU (Jan Redmann) and the AfD (Hans-Christoph Berndt) in a direct election. In contrast, only 46 percent were satisfied with the Kenya coalition in Brandenburg made up of the SPD, CDU and Greens.

Poll results for the state election in Brandenburg:

AfD 27 percent
CDU 16 percent
Green 4.5 percent
left 4
BVB/Free Voters 4.5 percent
BSW 13 percent
Other 5 percent

Source: ARD Brandenburg Trend/Infratest dimap (12 September)

For Woidke, the state election in Brandenburg also seems to be a fateful election. He has already announced his resignation in the event of an AfD victory. “I swore in my oath of office to prevent harm to the country.” And that is now my greatest challenge,” said Woidke in the RBB“If this goes wrong, we will wake up in a different country on September 23rd.” There will be people responsible for that. And I will take on that responsibility.”

State election in Brandenburg – Merz sees SPD as “responsible”

Before the election in Brandenburg, CDU leader Friedrich Merz called on voters to vote for a party in the political center. “We will now tell voters in Brandenburg: take a close look at what happened in Thuringia and Saxony.” “Make sure that there are clear political majorities in the middle of the political spectrum,” Merz told the German Press Agency (dpa)“The SPD also has a responsibility to ensure that there will continue to be stable political majorities in the political centre in the future.” (nhi/dpa)