
topicnews · September 12, 2024

Saxony-Anhalt: Organizers see CSD Halle in danger due to right-wing extremists

Saxony-Anhalt: Organizers see CSD Halle in danger due to right-wing extremists

Organizers see CSD Halle in danger due to rights

In recent weeks, there have been riots at events for Christopher Street Day. Before the CSD in Halle, the organizers warned of protests by right-wing extremists.

Halle (dpa/sa) – Before Christopher Street Day is to be celebrated in Halle on Saturday, the organizers see the event in danger. “This year we are confronted with disturbing and worrying attacks from right-wing, right-wing radical and right-wing extremist circles,” it said in a press release. In response to a request from the German Press Agency, a spokesman for the police in Halle said that a counter-demonstration with 35 participants had been registered for September 14.

The police spokesperson did not provide any information about who registered the counter demonstration. The CSD organizing team, however, spoke of concrete indications of mobilizations against the Halle CSD. These include clear calls from right-wing extremists who appear to be calling for nationwide disruptions during the Halle CSD.

Most recently riots in Bautzen and Leipzig

The CSD commemorates the uprisings of the queer community on Christopher Street in New York City (USA) in 1969 and stands for the visibility and equality of queer people. Other names for the CSD demonstrations, which are now held annually in many places, are “Pride Parade” or “Gay Pride”.

Most recently, there were right-wing extremist protests in Bautzen in eastern Saxony and in Leipzig on the occasion of Christopher Street Day. They were characterized by aggression and violence against the CSD participants.

“The extent of the problem is increasing considerably this year. But one thing is clear: no matter how many attempts at intimidation there are, we will not give in. We will take to the streets, we will be loud and we will remain visible,” said Mika Taube, chairman of the youth network Lambda Central Germany. The network is helping to organize the CSD in Halle. A street festival and a demonstration are planned for September 14 in downtown Halle.