
topicnews · September 12, 2024

Millennials and Gen Z are driving the organic trend: study shows clear preferences

Millennials and Gen Z are driving the organic trend: study shows clear preferences

Millennials and Gen Z are increasingly turning to organic products. They want to promote their health and protect the environment, as a new study shows.

A new study shows that Millennials and Generation Z are increasingly preferring organic food. They hope for better health and a contribution to environmental protection. And this despite rising prices.

Gen Z and Millennials believe that organic has a positive impact on the environment

According to the Daily Mail, a survey by Soil Association Certification found that almost half of Britons aged between 25 and 34 feel better when they buy organic food, believing they are making a positive impact on the environment. In addition, a quarter of Britons feel healthier and happier when they choose sustainable options.

A YouGov survey, also cited by the Daily Mail, confirms that 41 percent of adults are guided by environmental sustainability when shopping. The trend is particularly pronounced among 18- to 34-year-olds. More than 20 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds consider health benefits, sustainability and reduced packaging to be crucial.

The organic movement has also gained popularity on platforms like TikTok, with users sharing their weekly organic purchases and inspiring others.

Are organic foods really healthy?

Organic food is often more expensive than conventional products, which many people justify with environmental protection, animal welfare and lower pesticide contamination. In Europe, there are strict pesticide limits, which 95 percent of food contains. Nevertheless, five percent of products contain defects, as “Deutschlandfunk Nova” reports. The actual health effects, especially when pesticides are used in combination, have not yet been fully researched.

When it comes to animal products, studies show that organic milk and meat have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids due to the feeding of organic cows. This can affect the nutrient content. However, nutritionists stress that for the average consumer, the difference in nutrients between organic and conventional products is minimal. Individual needs are crucial, such as with small children who have higher nutrient requirements.

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